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Messages - xmorg

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Other Games / Re: List of sandbox games?
« on: August 29, 2013, 12:02:33 am »
GOG > steam for any game that it carries.
Do you know the name of those Russian RPGS? I really liked the drakensang rpg's and so European games are not all that bad.

Other Games / List of sandbox games?
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:38:44 pm »
Looking for something to play after skyrim... don't want to be pinned down to a plot.  The kind of games i like

TES games, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim
Dwarf fortress,
Mount and Blade, Warband, wfas

Stuff that gets a nod of acknowledgement
Elemental, and Fallen enchantress - sorta works but windows only :(, customizable characters, but more of a strategy game
Drakensang, dark eye and river of time (customizable characters and not quite linear plot.

I like customizable characters, and flexible plots! so stuff that does NOT fit my criteria
Assassin's creed of any kind!
Mmos (been there done that)
Witcher series

High fantasy preferred so not really into
fallout, borderlands, rage,

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: August 21, 2013, 03:37:26 pm »
Whos turn is it now?

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: July 20, 2013, 03:26:16 pm »
Jeff why dont you just take it, to keep it going, it was so fun back when it was alive...

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: July 05, 2013, 03:58:03 pm »
Its not my turn, I released a file on may 25th,

That's the last file released.  Did someone else play after me?

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: July 04, 2013, 11:29:58 am »
so who has it now?

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: May 27, 2013, 09:23:09 pm »
I might have in the beginning, but not really.

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: May 25, 2013, 01:36:21 pm »
Well i survived the siege.
Now on to becoming a barrony :D  I have selected Fish cleaner Stinthad Degzon to become royalty :p
Edit: all im gonna say is its baby mania in ragcopper.
its late winter and there has been an ambush.

Edit spring is here!  Whose next.

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: May 24, 2013, 10:35:42 pm »
There were/are 2 sieges the first was bugged.
This one is the "Big one", late autumn and im right in the middle of it.  Massive slaughter!
The dwarves insist on collecting socks outside the walls.  I also "stationed" my trips behind the bridge which some of them promptly sallied forth to "meat" the storm of arrows head-on.

ok so does anyone have any ideas?  I have about 20 dwarves at the entrance who are falling over themselves trying to go out and pick up stuff in the middle of the siege.  I cant seem to cancel the jobs, maybe i can mass forbid every object outside the fort?  Also solders are running out on their own and getting cut down as well.  There are a lot of archers and i am trying to stop a massacre...


Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: May 22, 2013, 12:14:20 am »
I have downloaded it and am starting.....

Siege.... heheh...

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: May 10, 2013, 03:04:55 pm »
im still in... keep it going :p

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: April 27, 2013, 02:31:31 pm »
Ha! I will have yo know that I have been very aggressive on burial duty, (even have one dwarf dedicated to nothing but burial.)

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: April 26, 2013, 04:49:57 pm »
What that?

Fort reclaimed +15 dwarves, no children, spring is here.

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: April 20, 2013, 02:57:22 am »
Im going to try again tonight hopefully.
1. discard all supplies! (everything needed can be reclaimed in a mature fort)
2. take only weapons/shields/ammo, maybe a wardog, hehe
3. use remaining points for skills
4. make 6 warriors and one utility.
5. make and arm squad on embark.
6. use squad movement to mico them and dispatch enemies one by one.

Lost 3 dwarves.  4 left, only 1 can walk, but we have settled in the main area below ground level.
There is miasma everywhere and lots of ghosts, but we are home :D

Other Games / Re: Dwarf Fortress
« on: April 19, 2013, 03:38:47 am »
Its not going to be easy to retake the fort.  Goblin patrols are at the entrance and there is a forgotten beast inside.
I propose a contest! whoever takes the fort, gets the honor of being the cannon history, and we start the turns over from there.

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