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Messages - Zombra

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Live on Steam now
« on: September 24, 2013, 04:33:02 pm »
Congrats Styg :)

I'll still wait for the full release, but I'm very excited for the progress you've made.  The alpha demo was fabulous and I can hardly wait for the "real game".

Suggestions / Repeating Directions
« on: May 17, 2013, 04:25:03 pm »
Loving the alpha!

So far, my biggest frustration are mission givers who don't repeat directions, and mission notes that don't include them.

Go out through the north gate, turn right, go straight, turn left, and look for the barn on the right.  Go northeast when you see it.

OK, and what do I do when I get there?

Just get a DNA sample from one mutie and bring it back.

Right - I'll do that.  Could you run those directions by me again?

Just get a DNA sample from one mutie and bring it back.

Shit.  Maybe it's in my notes.

Collect mutie DNA.

Great.  *loads save, gets pencil & paper ready*

Pages: [1]