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Messages - stabf

Pages: [1]
General / Rating on Desura/Some Love from a Fellow Game Dev
« on: July 28, 2013, 02:36:20 am »
Underrail is one of the highest rated games on Desura, which is the reason i first found it back in 1.4. (I think)
I just wanted to leave some love and say a few things.
Firstly, the game is so good I'm just starting my THIRD playthrough of the alpha, first at 1.4 (?), then 1.6, and now at 1.8
Second, I never really rate things; apps on my phone or similar. But I thought it was worth saying something since the good reviews are what get things on Desura noticed. So I rated it a 10 and wrote a nice little review.
I wanted to suggest that anyone that hasn't already should go leave a review on Desura. The game already has a 9.6 average, so I don't think we'll get it much higher, but it can only help.

Finally, I wanted to say what I said in my review about why i love this game. Underrail is what I was expecting when i went back to play Fallout 1 and 2 having completed Fallout 3. I thought, I like deep RPG's and turn based fighting! I like a good story and universe, and these games are like famous for those things!
Except they lose focus really fast and left me feeling like I had no motivation and no where to go in the vast world of Fallout. It felt unfocused. Like I was somehow supposed to make my own fun.

Underrail does all the same things that Fallout does, but it feels FOCUSED. It also adds a solid notebook/quest tracking system that was lacking in my opinion in Fallout, and the crafting system, which is by far my favorite feature. Making my own guns and explosives with upgrades just makes me happy in a way that is difficult to explain. This game is a bellweather for how to do crafting in an RPG, and its in F**KING ALPHA.

I work at a video game studio on an upcoming AAA MMO, and even our game doesn't suck me into its universe like Underrail. Keep up the good work Stygian. I got a bunch of guys at my office playing, so from another studio (somewhere in Maryland...), we send our love.

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