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Messages - Gornodd

Pages: [1]
General / Re: My experience - Why I gave up in frustration after an hour
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:21:21 am »
What I love about this game is, that you actually can make a non-viable build but compensate just by always tackle eveyrthing "the smart way".

For example my first character (the one I beat the content the first time with too) was just based on Guns/Stealth. I predicted (not knowing anything about the game yet) that this way is bound to
having good ammo supplies. So I invested alot into scavanging skills like lockpicking, hacking, pickpocketing etc. and the core skills like intelligence, agility and dex ( all at around 7-8).

I quickly discovered that I have some trouble with stronger enemys and died a few times. After reloading the game I thaught the only way to compesate for my weak fighing capabilities is good preperation.

So I looted the quole starting compound armed myself a much as possble and started every encounter by coming up with a plan made of landmines, caltrops and high powered grenades.

The game became easier because of my high looting capabilities I was able to get rich very quick. I discovered the strenght of my character beeing always geared out as much as possible

General / Re: How big is this game now? How big will it be?
« on: September 30, 2013, 09:28:40 pm »
I wouldnt compare it to Tactics at all. FO-T is more like JA2 in FO universe. After the really dissapointing Shadowrun Returns I was very pleased with a game like this. Sure SRR had some good writing. But as funny as it sounds, I didnt really care too much for it. After all the story wasnt good enough to excuse for not having proper character developement and a deep Itemisation and choices.

Also, FO2`s story was actually really bad. The game has never been praised for the story or the dialogue. Its that every character was believeable in that world and every little story was fitting in the whole.

Thats a quality Underrail really nails already. But it also delivers on every other part. What it needs is a rich amount of distraction from the main story line. A huge variety of side missons with small interesting aspects. You can sometimes go nuts with small ideas or even nods at other great games. But for me there needs to be a playground that I can spend my time in.

General / Re: How do you play Underrail?
« on: September 30, 2013, 07:50:27 pm »
I play a Stealth/Guns Character with focus on Intelligence/Agility/Dex wich is working out pretty good so far (Im at Junkyard atm). I pretty much focussed only on Pistols/SMGs and spend alot of points into Hacking/Mechanics/Electronics/Pickpocketing equliy.

I pretty much pickpocket every single person I run into. Wich makes me a rich bastard (on a sidenote I find this almost a bit overpowered). I never run out of ammo or meds or stims.

I always tend to have powerful grenades with me. They solve alot of situations. When I run into a big pack of enemys I tend to setup traps with mines or caltrops.

General / Re: How big is this game now? How big will it be?
« on: September 29, 2013, 05:25:38 pm »
True. But with the almost perfect foundation this game already has. The character developement, crafting, weapons and overall variety it would be shameful to not construct a vast world around it.
If something is THAT good I wanna spend my time with it. In F2 I did almost every possible sidequest possible and spent a borderline sick amount of time with that game. 1k++ hours
and I really hope history repeats itself...  ;)

General / How big is this game now? How big will it be?
« on: September 29, 2013, 03:32:01 pm »
Hi. I have baught the game this week and enjoying it alot. Its among the best games I have ever played right next to Fallout 1+2+Tactics or JA2.

What I am interested in, is how big the game is in its current state. Is it comparable to fallout 2 in terms of content or
less or maybe alot less?

What is the goal in terms of size and content? I know its a bit dependant on how good the game does in the Early Access but
what would it be in an ideal scenario?

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