« on: October 09, 2013, 08:11:59 pm »
Like the title says I find the beginning (including the first mission) to be very boring and just plain too hard. Your character gets no choice in what kind of weapon they want so melee built characters have to save up a lot of stuff to get a knife. Also healing items are really expansive for non combat ones which leads to having this long boring string where you go all the way back in the base to go heal not to waste a valued bandage. I would suggest to have some more items that could be sold for pure value. My final issue is that enemys always seem to get the first attack (i know about entering combat mode first) because even if you enter the mode before the enemies spot you you dont have much to use to attack them because their spotting range is the same as yours.
(Note i just finished the first mission so my opinions could totally be wrong but im loving the game so far.)