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Messages - Ysobel

Pages: [1]
Development Log / Re: Dev Log #25: Game Economy Changes
« on: January 09, 2014, 09:48:09 pm »
Aaaaaaaah !

Seriously, better limit the number of slots like said before. It's just horrible to do the maths of "if I take this I can't take that but blablabla". Thinking for hours about how to organize it without moving isn't part of the fun, it's like an annoying job and I must already think about too much stuff when I work, don't want a game that I like to become like this !

Really in Fallout I hated that system. Especially because many items where a great use and I was in the obligation of not having them and when I could have needed them they weren't in my inventory.

For the merchants ok, the need to choose wisely when you go into mission ok.

But the weight, if you're not a strong character you can't sometimes even take with you a big armor you could sell. You can't take anything with you. The weight always depends of strengh and when you play a character with no strengh it's juste impossible to loot and search for things. When you do a sneaky weak character it's also to steal, to open lockers... And that kind of characters can't have anything in their bags !

So please choose just limited slots in the inventory and excuse my english.

General / Re: Stuck in junkyard...
« on: November 24, 2013, 08:28:54 pm »
Colton will send you to Silas ^^

General / Re: Stuck in junkyard...
« on: November 24, 2013, 04:22:21 pm »
You have to continue the quests, look at your notes, you have to do the quests for Silas (in the map of the boats), and then he will give you a way to go in the Depot A.
But you'll see it's a really difficul map, with mutants... So you should keep on with Silas and other pnj's quests and when Silas quests are over, and almost all other, you'll be able to really inspect Depot A.
But don't hesitate to try to go in there once you know the way, because there are a lot of ennemis and cleaning up the path will help you gaining experience.

General / Abram's quest with the Cybernetic Spawn & rocks
« on: November 24, 2013, 02:11:42 am »
Hi everyone !
I just found the Drill, already helped the Eels... Now I have to put this Spawn in the Embassy.
But how ?
My Stealth skills are... 0. Never used it, never needed it until now. I can see an electronic lock but I need 85 electronic skills. I'm 45.
What else can I do ?

Also, I saw on an other topic that we can pass the rocks to find some maps in the lower underground. Do we have to destroy the rocks ? If yes, how ? If no, how can we go there ?
Thank's a lot, I really enjoy this game and can't wait until the next version ^^

Suggestions / Re: Quest markers?
« on: November 24, 2013, 01:01:54 am »
I totally agree, there is no need here for quests markers. I really don't like all this guided games where you don't have to search for anything by yourself, where you just need to follow the arrows...
And I also think the notes should be more complete and be updated when you find more informations.
English isn't my native language so sometimes I don't understand everything a NPC tells me about the location of something/someone... And then it's too late and I have to search on the wiki because. Sometimes you can also just quit the game and when you want to continue you don't remember exactly what X or Y told you and...

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