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Messages - CosmicKobal

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Zone Transition Failure
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:00:48 pm »
This has just happened to me as well in version 1.9.1.... I was following Essies instructions to get to gersky(sp?)    and I went down the first set of steps on my left and explored that area. once I was done i tried to exit back up those steps but I got a zone transition error. I then tried the other 2 sets of stairs to go back up and got the same error.

exiting/restarting the game hasn't fixed it for me and a couple times when I tried restarting, I got an error when i tried to load my most recent autosave. I'm lvl 4 right now and my most recent save before this issue is back at lvl 2.

Any help is appreciated

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