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Messages - LJ40

Pages: [1]
General / Re: explain difference between shotgun frames
« on: August 15, 2019, 02:20:16 pm »
how are these combat shotgun frames are different?
- Sovereign
- Despot
- Tyranny

Which one is the best among combat shotguns?

I haven't messed with them enough to tell all differences, but the despot seems to do more base damage, while only holding 5 shells by default and having slightly more spread and less precision. (also has 6 minimum str)
Tyranny does less base damage, holds 8 shells by default, and less spread/more precision. (5 minimum str)
Sovereign seems to be between the two in damage, holds 6 shells. (5 minimum str)

General / Re: Console in Dude's another vision quest SPOLIERS
« on: August 11, 2019, 12:43:16 am »
You need to find one more set of numbers in the room there.

Suggestions / key card/keycard
« on: September 28, 2018, 05:37:01 am »
I mentioned this in another topic, but can you guys pick either "key card" or "keycard"? The utterly random distribution of the two is mind-boggling.

General / Re: Terry's key? (spoiler)
« on: September 17, 2018, 10:30:59 am »
I could be wrong, but I don't think it opens anything. Possibly the room they used at SGS? Can't remember if there is one.

On a somewhat related note, I'm sure it's been mentioned before, but is there any chance "key card" and "keycard" could be unified to one spelling? Makes searching the wiki a pain.

Suggestions / Re: Make detection a skill
« on: August 14, 2018, 02:01:02 am »
The very concept of perception ties directly into the ability to detect things. Having really low perception should *ABSOLUTELY* stop you from detecting things, barring additional help (Snooping and goggles, as TheAverageGortsby said).

General / Re: Escape Artist feat
« on: August 12, 2018, 01:04:12 am »
Under the current description of Escape Artist, stun and frozen should absolutely be covered by escape artist. Some clarification would definitely help as to what constitutes "immobilized".

I won't have to roll back, but my next couple of feats just got shuffled and changed if this is true.

Edit - And of course, almost immediately, I think I figured it out. "Immobilized" is when you can act, but not move. Stun and frozen (as well as incapacitated and mental breakdown) prevent you from acting as well, so they're not covered. I may be wrong, but this seems logical. Anyone more knowledgeable feel free to correct me though.

Suggestions / Re: Laser Rifle and Chem Rifle?
« on: August 09, 2018, 04:27:14 am »
This was in the new weapon types devlog (emphasis added):
The process of adding these new weapons took a long time because we had to change the way we handled animations of all the different human models and it required a lot of manual labor to get things in order. However, now that we have done this, it will allow us to add more new weapons in the future (not in this DLC, though), to which we are rather looking forward to. I'm not gonna lie, we already know what weapons we want to add in the future, so just keep that in mind when you're posting your wishes.

Whether that includes [laser rifles and chem rifles], I guess we'll just have to wait (a long long time :'() and see.

Paraphrased just a tiny bit.

General / Re: Preparing for Dominating. Do you think it will work out?
« on: August 08, 2018, 02:38:33 am »
Armour sloping I've tried, and unless you're forgetting to tell me that super-whatcha-call-it makes lighter armour(does it?), being fully armoured will still produce 95 % armour penalty, regardless. I'd love to have extra movement points, otherwise.

It does weigh less(my galvanic 4x super steel armor weighs 15.60, with 64% armor penalty). And unless you're using a metal helmet and boots (probably shouldn't be using either), you shouldn't be that close to 95%, because goggles and tabi boots don't add any.

Suggestions / Re: Mini-games and more world building?
« on: August 03, 2018, 12:56:55 am »
I like to drink that the people of this world do more than just drink
You sure about that?

Suggestions / Re: Do something about Cryo Shield?
« on: August 02, 2018, 10:54:47 pm »
Vancian wizard

What the hell is this thing? I here this here and there and have no idea what is it, can't google anything about it.

Heated gas explains very simple - you just overheat ait near you, which is gas, or combination of gases.
Well, can't argue with that bit of science. ::)

How can you explain the ability to manipulate light and darkness with your mind?

How can you explain conjuring balls of super-heated gas or ice shards with your mind? I fail to see how those are OK but summoning light or dark is too fantasy based.

That being said, I think the game is just fine with the three (soon to be four) branches of psionics it already has (will have).

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