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Messages - Voiddweller

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Maybe it is too much but...
« on: April 10, 2015, 04:02:23 am »
It's more like Dwarf Fortress than Fallout in that regard. :)
I disagree. Dwarf Fortress is either roguelike, or a colony builder. And it's procedurally generated and fun, because there is always a new environment and experience. Underrail is a Fallout clone, and honestly, if you like challenge, there is always a difficulty levels. I just used Cheat Engine and all difficulty vaporized, and only boring gameplay left. Only good thing is crafting and exploring, because combat mechanics is weird and enemies have superhuman perception. I see no point in mastering "character builds" or scavenging mushrooms for overpowered psi abilities. I see no point in waiting until vendors recharge their timers, so i can sell all crafted stuff.  It's just... Fallout was released 20(!) years ago, and there still nothing near smooth and polished as it is. There is a Jagged Alliance 2 fan made code expansion and even open source build, there is an Open X-Com project, Sfall library and FOnline engine, and all that keeps nearly 1/4 century old games still playable and good. I can't understand why people keep making weird games like Wasteland 2, that feels like oversimplified console junk. Damn, there even console games like Metal Max series that is much more fun than Wasteland 2. Don't make such mistakes, Styg. Seriously. Awesome art, cool crafting system, good weapon arsenal and unique enemies, especially animals. Intriguing story as far i can see at this point. But no replayability. Even mentioned Wasteland 2 have more. It's just... Unfair :(

Suggestions / Re: Maybe it is too much but...
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:17:38 am »
IIRC Styg tried procedurally generated dungeons during very early development phase, but that idea got scrapped because he couldn't balance enemy encounters in them like he wanted.

But who knows what awaits us in Deep Caverns? ;)
You know, when i was playing Fallout 1 very first time i never felt like i want to delete damn game because it forces mo to fight with bare hands and infinitely save/load progress. Because fallout had a very smooth gameplay, and i always had fun. Underrail is VERY strict and unforgiving. It enforces a lot of repetitive activities on player, just like some online games. It's a shame because there is a huge potential in it. And if someone thinks that procedural generation will hurt balance, better look at Sword of The Stars: The Pit. This roguelike is ALWAYS fun, even though it may be hard as hell sometimes. And you can always cheat and still have fun. Also look at Geneforge game series. Very similar gameplay, like maps fully cleanable from hostility and stuff like that, but even first Geneforge have a lot more content.

Suggestions / Maybe it is too much but...
« on: April 09, 2015, 05:28:21 pm »
I just wish at certain point of development there will be a procedurally generated dungeon maps. And editing tools. That may expand gameplay significantly. Right now game is too boring, gathering resources is repetitive and time consuming, unless you cheat, and there is no fun looting all the same respawning enemies at exact spawning spots, in hope to gather enough trade material to buy consumables for tough battles. That's it.

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