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Messages - Mr. Pink

Pages: [1]
and there's no way of opening this locker if you don't have lockpicking skill?


If this isn't the correct key, then what is the name of the key that opens mauras cell? Last time I did this, I used the vents, but in this playthrough that's not an option.


This door and the cell 2 door don't open despite having keys, making it impossible for someone with no vent access or lockpicking skill to complete the quest.

General / Stuck on "Free Maura' Quest (the embassy prison one)
« on: December 23, 2015, 08:15:48 am »

Where is Maura held? There are three cells, one that I opened and two that are behind a 60 skill lock... I have a key that's supposed to open 'cell #1', but it doesn't seem to be the one on the very right, since that opens with or without a key.

Also, vents aren't an option because i have neither strength nor lockpicking ability.

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