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Messages - ceics

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Quinton forgets the freebie Metathermics training, if not used first
« on: December 27, 2015, 10:08:47 am »
So here it is. Before taking the rathound tissue quest I was offered as reward a free training on a Metathermics PSI ability. I was also given the option to ask for two (but failed the Mercantile check) which I found to be a rather nice touch.
Anyhow, I've completed the quest and wanted to take Cryokinesis first, which I did. I was offered the option to use the freebie, but did not use it as this PSI ability only costs 50 SGS Credits so I paid for that. I wanted to use the freebie when taking Pyrokinesis actually, since that costs 250 SGS Credits. I actually tried to do that right after taking Cryokinesis, but could not because I didn't yet have 25 points in the Metathermics skill. Therefore I went about my business, killed a few more rathounds, leveled up and returned to get the training. This time, there was no option to take it for free anymore (if Quinton actually forgot, it would have been nice to have the option to at least remind him - just like asking the first time :)

I've attached two print screens. Let me know if you need savegames and that. Version
What a jewel this game is. I hope you can get around to fix this quickly, if not, same thing for me. I enjoy it immensely.

[later edit: I've personally managed to get through with an older savegame, before the freebie option was forgotten. Whether this can be replicated further, I've no idea.]

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