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Messages - saporotis

Pages: [1]
General / Re: DC Mutagens
« on: December 28, 2015, 02:39:36 pm »
i have the same problem!, the thing is i try to make a melee character, but then i realized the only melee weapon are hammer and dagger, hammer need too much strenght so i went dagger, but,dagger sucks in this game, so i changed to unarmed, but it was too late because i had too many feats in throwing and dagger, both a bit useless for the end game, i even have dodge, i read somewhere that dodge and evade are capped at 50% so my build is a bit useless right now and i am capped in lvl 25, so in resumen my build is the worst, i am short in supplies in the deep caverns facing this boss thing i cant even get close to,i was hoping to solve this puzzle but my english, as you can read, is not so good, i am at the mercy of this puzzle i cant even understand, please help! :D

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