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Messages - n00bert

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Can't Complete "Find Blaine ..." Quest for Black Eels
« on: January 01, 2016, 10:53:51 pm »
Did you tell Eddie about the wormhole before?

Yep, pretty sure that I did... 

Bugs / Can't Complete "Find Blaine ..." Quest for Black Eels
« on: January 01, 2016, 06:18:25 pm »

- Find Blaine and find out if there is an alternative way into the Scrappers HQ from the Old Junkyard.

I've talked to Blaine and he mentioned the area that needs to be demolished, but the quest is not marked as completed and the only dialog options for Silas are:

1. How do I get to the wormhole again?
2. Tell me about the Black Eels.  Are you the head honcho?
3. Are the waterways dangerous?
4. I'll be leaving now.

Not sure if this has anything to do with it, but before receiving the quest I talked to Silas about other jobs and he said it was "too late..." or something like that, but then ended up giving me the quest anyway through a different dialog option.

Bugs / Re: Stuck in Caves Below SGS
« on: December 29, 2015, 05:42:51 pm »
Did you accidentally drop your key card, or leave it inside your bunk at SGS? In case of the latter, you could make a tour to Junkyard and return to SGS via ferry.

You're absolutely correct.  I accidentally transferred it to a stash in the Junkyard (and I completely forgot that I could access the Junkyard through the hopper cave system).  Appreciate the response.  Now I'm only behind about 4 hours of gameplay, which is definitely preferable to starting over again from scratch.

Bugs / Stuck in Caves Below SGS
« on: December 29, 2015, 05:18:56 pm »
The electronic lock to enter SGS from the eastern caves (the one that opens the outer door) is no longer working for me. 

I'm not sure if it's related in some way, but this is an earlier saved game that I'm loading due to SGS becoming hostile toward my character after killing the lone SGS guard outside the 3 level complex (where whatshisface was trying to get into a sealed door) to the NW.  There weren't any cameras or other NPCs around (the other guys had long since returned to SGS).  I'm not sure if this would also be considered a bug since one would expect (at least I did) the same stealth / line-of-sight mechanics that apply to the rest of the game would also apply in this particular situation, but that doesn't seem to be the case and now my saved games are unrecoverable as a result.

Suggestions / Re: Various Suggestions
« on: December 29, 2015, 02:20:48 am »
Armor penetration. As the game progresses you will meet enemies with tougher armor and the ability to punch through it becomes important.

Ahh, I hadn't considered that.  Makes sense.  Still seems a little strange that it would take three times as long to aim / pull a trigger on a higher caliber handgun.  Rifles being an entirely different story.

Suggestions / Re: Various Suggestions
« on: December 29, 2015, 02:17:14 am »
Regarding the hitchance, show me your level 7 build and I will tell you if it's the game to blame. ;)

8 (9) Perception (wearing goggles) and 45 (64) Guns

What I'm trying to get at though is less of a discussion on character builds rather than just being a little more realistic.  The first time I went to a range and fired a 9mm at 15-20 or so ft I managed a fairly good grouping within a couple of inches from center target.   The target in game being around 5'10" tall and what, almost 2 feet wide(?) at a much closer range (literally about a ft away from the looks of it) and yet somehow I manage to completely miss five consecutive shots.  Tends to make the combat much less immersive for me...   

Suggestions / Various Suggestions
« on: December 28, 2015, 08:46:10 pm »
- Reduce AP requirements for higher caliber weapons.  It requires almost three times the amount of time to pull a trigger on a .44 handgun than a 5mm?  Criticals and ammo reduction aside, what is the advantage of using a weapon with higher damage if the damage seems to scale almost directly with the amount of required action points?  The lower caliber weapons also have the advantage of being able to potentially spend remaining AP on a second target if the first is killed at the beginning of the combat round.

- Attacking out of stealth should automatically grant initiative to the player for the following combat round (at least with melee attacks - implementing this for ranged may have too great of an impact on overall tactics / balance).  Seems odd to land an attack on an unsuspecting victim out of stealth only to have that person turn around and gain first round combat initiative against the player.

- Percentages for close proximity non-melee attacks seem rather unrealistic.  Granted I'm only level 7 with 45 or so in guns at the moment, but I can stand on a square adjacent to an enemy with the barrel of my gun practically touching the guy, fire a burst and actually miss 5 out of 5 shots with an SMG.  It's as if half of the enemies in the game are tuned into The Matrix or something.  Seems like within a certain distance (3 squares or so) the probability should be weighted differently - something a little more realistic (with the advantage being offset by a higher probability to be hit in return of course).

- Add a separate slot for goggles (Granted you probably shouldn't be able to wear them over a full metal helmet, but goggles and a balaclava seems fairly reasonable).  I wouldn't consider something like this to be in opposition with the overall game direction of damage reduction vs nimbleness / perception.

- Double points allocated to crafting skills (or reduce skill requirements).  The crafting aspect of the game seems pretty cool, but I find that I'm having to dump all points into combat / lock picking / hacking / evasion to progress through the game at a difficultly level that I'm comfortable with.  Maybe crafting is intended to be more of an endgame activity, but right now it seems like I can either choose to live the mundane life of a tailor specializing in rat-skin jackets, or attempt to complete the quests in the game (slight exaggeration there).

Anyway, that's my two cents.  I'm sure there will be those that say NO, NO, NO! and that's fair enough, but I don't know... they seem like reasonable suggestions to me.   

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