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Messages - gerahmurov

Pages: [1]
Please highlight doors and objects when pressing TAB - some doors a really hard to find (like the door to Doctor in the Foundry).

Objects can be also hard to spot on my 2560x1440 monitor. When near the wall with Ears or near Fishing rods usually pixel-hunting happens.

Also please make separate masks for clicking for small objects or lattice doors and ladders - currently you should point exactly at the part of the door or thin ladder, not just at the place with the door - it's very easy to misclick.

Suggestions / Re: Make message about TNT charges and rocks clearer
« on: January 06, 2016, 09:52:58 am »
I skipped this dialog maybe. And I couldn't find any info in quest log about this. So when the problem happen I really has no clue of what to do. I thought about explosives, but grenades didn't work there.

Suggestions / Make message about TNT charges and rocks clearer
« on: January 06, 2016, 03:47:47 am »
Not a typical suggestion. I didn't get the whole part of destroying rocks with TNT charges until I've read about it on the wiki.
And I believe I'm not the only one. I tried to kick rocks, shoot them, throw grenades at them.

Could you please make it more clearer in-game? Like when attacking rocks with any useless weapon there can be  pop-up text "Not working, I need TNT charges for this".

Suggestions / Re: World Map
« on: January 06, 2016, 03:43:05 am »
+1. I'd really like to see a World Map as a chain of Locations with Names and Connections between them corresponding with compass (so I can guess how I should get in the needed place - i.e. east turn here and north turn there).
Also there should be states Unfound (the black spot on map)-Undiscovered (like when there is location but full location not revealed - so I wasn't everywhere)-Discovered (full location revealed).
Also you should mark end-of-line locations differently. Like if I'm in the last location in the chain mark it as such. So I will know from glance after week of holidays that it was last location, I shouldn't discover it further.
Also there should be manual Marks available by clicking on location - Normal, Exclamation Mark (something interesting like locked Locker), Skull (there is too powerful enemies there). I guess these three will be enough.

For now it is a big pain to navigate in the caverns and even in the Core City due to labyrinth of small locations.

I also think that local maps aren't needed becuse locations are small. But world map is a must have in a large connected world.

Suggestions / Re: Assorted suggestions from a new and happy player:
« on: January 06, 2016, 03:28:04 am »
Agree on the list.

>Default walking speed should be faster. There's a LOT of walking in UnderRail. If upping the default walk speed means movement enhancers have to be adjusted, go ahead and adjust them, whatever is needed to let you get around at a faster rate out of the box.

This can be done like in Diablo. In save places there is a bonus to walking speed. But it is not a high priority feature.

>The quickbar with shift and ctrl for alternate panels works pretty well. I don't really mind it. But I would have found it more intuitive if there was one key that rotated through the different panels. This would allow for more than 3 panels easily, if that was wanted (3 seems enough to me, but maybe it won't be for UnderRail 2).

I personally prefer the second row on screen. There is pretty enough place.

Suggestions / Re: Invetory enhancement
« on: January 02, 2016, 10:03:02 pm »
Also could we have a recharge\reload with the same type of batteries\bullets option by right-clicking the empty haxxor\weapon? Or even auto reload if used while empty?

Suggestions / Re: Unrealistic mode
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:59:14 pm »
>3) Trader's buy everything, but at half price
This would be awesome. Even if 1/4 of full price. I don't think there is a Junk in the post-apoc but I store tones of Rathound armor which no one wants to buy.

Also it would be great as a checkbox in options and not as additional difficulty.
I have enough money right now. I just want to sell all things in my stash =)

Suggestions / Allow to use more than two weapons at once
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:52:38 pm »
Hi! Great game there!

Could you please allow to use more than two weapons at once? Maybe with a feat which allows Sniper rifles or melee knives to seat in the utility slot with an additional AP for switching to and from but still less than switching through inventory.
I prefer three weapons (two main and one special for switching in a low level areas or special occasions. And for now it is a pain). I also think that small weapons should be available from a pocket at any time =)

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