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Messages - dirtman

Pages: [1] 2
General / Re: high base abilities and their influences on the game
« on: April 02, 2016, 03:00:02 pm »
best bet is probably unpacking some game files if possible, those checks should be apparent in dialogue files or something like that. i've seen some changes with a int 7 character compared to a int 5 character during conversations, but those were pure flavor, not anything worthwile.

i really liked the deep caverns, especially the atmosphere, being alone and hunted. but the thing i had issues with is the big bad boss. it is basically only that, the big bad boss. there is no option to evade combat and you can't even communicate with it even though it has the small guy who gives some introductory monologue. i was hoping for at least a short conversation and in the end it was one of the major disappointments in the game.

Tchort told you that you're but a filthy rat to him. You are not worthy of conversation with a god!

meh, very foolish of him since i killed him without solving the mutagen puzzle and before he managed to lower my shield to 0. :D

General / high base abilities and their influences on the game
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:03:48 pm »
for example, i'm thinking of situations such as interacting with the pillars and dialogue with more interesting characters. did anyone encounter some options that are only available with will/intelligence higher than 10 or something fairly ridiculous and character specific like that?

i really liked the deep caverns, especially the atmosphere, being alone and hunted. but the thing i had issues with is the big bad boss. it is basically only that, the big bad boss. there is no option to evade combat and you can't even communicate with it even though it has the small guy who gives some introductory monologue. i was hoping for at least a short conversation and in the end it was one of the major disappointments in the game.

first one was not being able to switch core city factions which felt rigid and underdeveloped. primarily during the jkk questline, things just happen and then you move on apparently not caring. :D

you have to return to the mayor of rail crossing to advance that quest.

General / Re: Requesting crossbow build from Wildan
« on: March 23, 2016, 02:43:50 am »
my last playthrough was a psi crossbow build since i dislike traps and absolutely love thought control so here are my thoughts on it. :D

to be honest, i passed the whole underrail using mk1 shock and incendiary bolts. started using my ridiculous stash of several hundred mk2 and mk3 bolts only in dc. also most of the time i used monsoon crossbows since they have the best looking art (yeah, really a good reason). :) anatomically aware scope is a must have upgrade and i used pneumatic reloader more since super string boosts only mechanical damage.

st 3
dx 5
ag 6
cn 3
pe 10
wi 8
in 5


crossbow 15
evasion 15
dodge 15
stealth 15
hacking 15
lockpicking 15
chemistry 15
though control 15


aimed shot
concussive shots
special tactics
elemental bolts
critical power
locus of control
power management

the feats are approximately in the correct order. i put points into will to get locus of control and intelligence for crafting feats. if i remember correctly i didn't raise perception above 10 and the last 2 points went into agility. chemistry was the first crafting skill to get to 20 and mechanics to 10 for incendiary bolts (i think the metathermics guy at sgs sells the blueprints) and then later electronics (the blueprint was in gms but don't know if it's random loot or not).

now that i read Wildan's post, blitz seems like a good idea but i managed without it. i also second his opinion on infused siphoner leather stuff because it's great.

General / Re: Help with DC, possible bug (SPOILERS)
« on: March 06, 2016, 06:08:38 pm »
in my current playthrough, he also didn't appear. i wanted to report it as a possible bug but totally forgot about it. did you try an older save like Dizzy suggested?

General / Re: New print
« on: February 26, 2016, 02:25:18 pm »
you're not the only one, several people already complained that they liked the old font more and would like to see an option to switch it back. it has more flavour than the new one so one can only hope they introduce a similar feature in one of the next updates.

Bugs / Re: possible bug at the institute
« on: February 25, 2016, 05:17:53 pm »
i sent you a pm. :)

Bugs / Re: possible bug at the institute
« on: February 24, 2016, 12:27:55 pm »
i think i did, isn't that conversation the one that gives you the core city house? if it is, then i talked to the boss. i worked for the jkk, don't know if it makes any difference.

what about eidein? why is he missing then?

Bugs / possible bug at the institute
« on: February 23, 2016, 01:41:47 pm »
hey, at first i didn't give it much thought but the thing in the screenshot got me interested. eidein is not near the fountain and minister percival is not in his position either. i'm on

edit: the only thing i remember that was different than my last playthrough is that i got the metal figurine before i received the quest to find it.

General / Re: Lenox Pierce quest
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:14:28 pm »
i don't think that i talked to him, i think it's harold or the bartender (i don't remember her name). which version is your game?

General / Re: Al Fabet
« on: February 21, 2016, 03:11:39 pm »
Since you can't take and sell all of the loot, your reward is denied. Sure, you could go in and do that quest, only to return and the merchants still not buy absolutely anything. Same thing with exploration. Sure you get the drops. But you don't get to make anything out of it.

leave some loot for others, surely there are lower level scavengers and adventurers in south underrail who would appreciate you killing enemies and leaving inferior stuff around. don't be so greedy. :D

But that's the thing: for me, spending time fighting re-spawning critters in a game that has easy (and to be honest, a bit boring) combat is the very definition of a pointless action.

Btw, Arcanum isn't Diablo, where indeed you get the "explore once, see everything" experience. My evil wizard took a different path from my goody two-shoes scientist, and as a result, the outcomes of their choices were very different.

don't even try, his approach to this is so different that he can't understand you any more than you can him. to each his own, he wants unlimited loot and unlimited respawns. there are games that have those.

General / Re: Lenox Pierce quest
« on: February 21, 2016, 02:32:21 pm »

if you followed the wiki, then you should have solved it. perhaps it's a bug. :)

General / Re: Missing Jack Quicksilver
« on: February 19, 2016, 09:58:52 pm »
after his initial quest he moves to core city in front of the hardcore bar, i'd say he moves there on his own even if you don't finish his first quest. though a certain baldie from junkyard is connected with jack and you have to finish his quests before proceeding further.

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