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Messages - Smoked Brisket

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Chance to hit is not calculated accurately
« on: March 28, 2016, 02:21:14 am »
I am playing a sniper build and after getting my guns skill up high enough I am finally seeing some high percent to hit chances. The game is not reflecting this. After seeing very fishy misses, by that i mean that I have been hitting in my estimation about 30% of the time no matter what the to hity chance shows, I did a test. I saved the game and then proceeded to shoot the same npc from the same spot 20 times. I had an 85% chance to hit. I landed only 4 out of 20. How is this explainable? This is consistent with my entire game experience.

I like the game alot, I dont think the game is too hard, but reloading after you have wasted several turns missing the same guy with a high percentage to hit is frustrating.

Please dont white knight this thread, my experience is real.

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