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Messages - Nawak

Pages: [1]
It works !
Thank you very much Fledersaft !

He seems ...
But is he the only one who can help ?

So it's been now a week since I asked for help and I still didn't had any helping response...
So is there anybody else to whom I can send an asking for help mail or do I need to ask for a refund ?

Any news ?
Have you received my mails ?

Sent to Styg

So, did you found the problem ? What can I do to be able to play ?

The fight is the last one before getting the key to acces the sealed room in GMS coumpoud; first mission from Gorky
(There is 1 rider leader, 2 riders and 3 hostages, 1 named Sully)
As i shot the last bullet to kill the last rider, the game stops.
If I don't fight, I can wander around, but after a short while the game crashes aswell

Game Version:
Error: System.NullReferenceException: La r

So I bought Underrail quite recently, end 2015, on Steam. wich is, I have to say, a very good game, thanks for creating it !
So I had a few different games (one psi, one close F, one ranged) and everything was smooth, until 2 days ago when, at the end of a fight, the game crashes with the window popping "TimelapseVertigo.Game has stopped working".
I've tryed many things in game : done the fight maybe 20 times (quicksaved 2 step from it) going other places (<- doesn't crash immediatly but a few minutes later)
                                 off game : followed the tips on this website and on steam (checked steam's underrail cache, that windows media is activated, that I've got Microsoft XNA Framework Redistributable 4.0 Refresh, deleted and downloaded the game 2 times, blocked Avast's screenthing, blocked Avast, runned the game without steam and even tryed to let windows find the answer to this problem and of course, it didn't)

I runned the debugview and couldn't send it to Styg because of a wrong e-mail adress ? your pseudo at underrail dot com ?

Tryed to look through the debugview and the only thing that seemed to not work was the fact that my computer lacked steam VR
"Failed to init SteamVR because it isn't installed"
So I downloaded it and it's still not working

So maybe I missed a little thing or I'm just doomed but please, help me. It's extremly frustrating to be blocked like that  :'(
The strange thing is that it runned very well until 2 days ago and that I already passed that part (in game) with another character...
Running on windows 10 on a lenovo U 41

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