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Messages - rrrr453

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Duff's dead, baby, Duff's dead [] GOG
« on: May 04, 2016, 12:26:54 pm »
Thank you very much. It works.

P.S. Err... they started first. Totally.

Bugs / Duff's dead, baby, Duff's dead [] GOG
« on: May 02, 2016, 01:06:44 am »
   I'm trying to beat the second Coretech quest. I track Luben, then he sends me to the guy with three chicks. Then, as soon as I try to go to the map east of the place with Jon the Beautiful and Hardcore Bar backdoor, the game crashes with the "zone transition failed" error.
   From what I gathered it happens because I have to get the item from an npc named Duff who is on that map. Unfortunately, Duff is not walking this Vale of Grief with us anymore, because I'm pretty sure I shot him way earlier, hence the crash. The bug is 100% reproducible, with my save at least. Other exits from the map in question also give similar crashes. Here is the link to the save file in question:!S4A10Q6D!U6Z5a8feo9XwMUFaIYA1Btehdzc9L0V8y2bhHtHbCJA

   I also tried to resurrect him with this method:
Changing 01 to 00 after his and his gang's names in unpacked-repacked global.dat didn't work though. Any help on that front would be greatly appreciated. :)

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