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Messages - Pentapus

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Disassemble Riot Gear can give blast cloth
« on: December 17, 2023, 02:31:40 pm »
Hm, I can't reproduce my findings, don't know what happened. Could it be, that you sometimes don't get cloth back from riot gear which spawns on enemies? Or maybe I just saw things...

But why don't we get the cloth back from tactical vests, only riot gear?

Bugs / Disassemble Riot Gear can give blast cloth
« on: December 08, 2023, 07:31:55 am »
When I disassemble a tactical vest with any cloth, I won't get the cloth, which is intentional, I think. Same with riot gear, normally. But when I disassemble a riot gear with blast cloth, I get the blast cloth. Intentional? I don't get Aluminized and black cloth, I couldn't test kevlar cloth.

Bugs / Re: Epione Lab bug after joining Protectorate
« on: November 15, 2023, 06:12:33 pm »
Yes it works! Thank you!

Bugs / Re: Epione Lab bug after joining Protectorate
« on: November 13, 2023, 07:42:35 pm »
This happens to me as well.

General / Re:
« on: October 02, 2019, 10:55:07 am »
The feat yell removes enemies from stealth by now. I added it in the wiki although I can't find this change in any patch notes, maybe someone knows the version when this was introduced. You also may want to add that in your calculator epeli.

General / Re: Vision processing module for crafting Goggles
« on: July 14, 2016, 11:59:16 pm »
Regarding some items you can buy it does indeed look like Underrail behaves strange. I never found a rapid reloader for my rifles in my first attempts. But in my latest I found dozens of rapid reloaders! but no Goggle Frames...
It looks like there is always at least one item which is really hard to acquire in a playthrough and easy to get in another.

General / Re: Black Arrow Sniper Rifle.
« on: July 14, 2016, 09:51:42 pm »
Well, it may not be the best sniper rifle regarding critical damage but it suited my character perfectly: A sniper with thought control. The +20% to precision is golden because that allowed me to have a perception of only 10 and still have 95% hit chance on any range (well, not in close combat lol). Up to the point where I finally found Black Arrow (thanks to epeli) I used a sniper rifle with a normal scope and a bipod for the +20% hit chance. I would even put less points into perception but I used snipe very often, which needs 10 perception. You can combine Black Arrow with Neurovisual Disruption for cool results I guess, although I couldn't find the psi-trainer for it. With all the Crowd Control like Fear, Subversion etc. I could often go into stealth in the middle of combat and use snipe the other round to kill almost anything with one hit. I also decided to completely leave out critical damage so it didn't matter that black arrow has low critical stats which also allowed me to have so much more feat points.

Suggestions / problem: using flashbang and not attacking ends combat
« on: June 24, 2016, 05:41:01 pm »

When I use a flashbang on enemies which are incapacitated for the next 2 turns and I don't attack them (maybe because I want to heal myself, reposition, reload, etc.)
combat will end. Then the enemies are incapacitated for 5 seconds and I cannot go in combat mode again for 10 seconds.
The problem is then that after those 5 seconds combat will start again and initiative is checked, so it's possible that my enemy starts with the turn.

Engaging manually in combat, meaning to just shoot is not preferable for me, when I want to start the combat with a burst or simply want to analyse the situation (I only have 5 seconds to do that, after that the enemy is no longer incapacitated).

Therefore I suggest that combat doesn't end when enemies around you are incapacitated or
simply combat does not end when you press "space", only "enter" (which I prefer anyway).
At least have a toggle-able option to do that, would be very nice.

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