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Messages - ssnn

Pages: [1]
Discussions / Re: What do you play right now?
« on: February 20, 2017, 12:59:29 am »
Stalker Call of Pripyat Misery Mod with Les Miserable on top. I've played through original Misery completely, but it's more fun with Les Miserable.

Sniper + Assault Rifles.

Sniper one-shots far-away enemies, Assault rifle is just as powerful for melee range, especially once you get its feats late game.

Suggestions / Container Highlights, Weapon Damage, Torch, Firecrackers
« on: November 05, 2016, 06:25:46 pm »
I've played through the game twice and it's one of my favorite games now. There were some things I missed a little bit though, and that I'd like to suggest:

Grey out the labels of successfully opened containers.
Right now I'd have to loot every container on a map to be sure I've explored everything (because then they show up as "container (empty)").
But don't grey out containers that are still locked or "stuff" I put on the ground.

Draw damage numbers from standard normal distribution.
Maybe you remember the bell curve of this distribution. It would make extremely low and high damage numbers less likely and a weapon's average damage would be a more pronounced characteristic. This would make most games more realistic/immersive I think.
For instance you can do this (pseudocode):
Code: [Select]
random_normal(min_dmg, max_dmg) {
diff = (max_dmg - min_dmg)
mean_dmg = (max_dmg + min_dmg)/2.0
samplemean = 0.0
do 6 times:
samplemean += Math.random() // sum up random floats between 0 and 1
samplemean = samplemean/6.0
return diff/2.0 * (samplemean*2.0-1.0) + mean_dmg

A grenade-like item to lure enemies from behind corners into traps, that doesn't do any damage (if your character can't throw or you're in a small room). Enemies should still come to the players location and not where the firecracker went off.
Or maybe add a default ability (default like shooting a weapon in general) to shoot in the air. Maybe with small chance of selfharm due to ricocheting bullets.

For when you've cleared the enemies on a map and want to recheck something/loot. Since the game is pretty dark it would be nice to have a long lasting lightsource, like a lantern that would also make you easier to detect and hit when used or an efficiency-upgrade for the nightvision-goggles.

General / Expertise Feat
« on: October 25, 2016, 11:47:08 pm »
How does the Expertise feat work, i.e. when is it applied in the damage formula? Is it exactly like increasing the base damage or is added on as a last step?

So would for instance the Snipe damage be calculated like
Code: [Select]
(base damage + expertise bonus) * snipe multiplieror like
Code: [Select]
(base damage * snipe multiplier) + expertise bonus?

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