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Messages - EbonyDevil

Pages: [1]
General / Re: New player I need help. This game seems unfair.
« on: January 04, 2017, 09:03:31 pm »
)= I went and farmed in the underworld place with the rathounds and stalkers. I figured out it was those lurkers killing me.

I found a ton of melee weapons, a new 5mm pistol and a .44 pistol and a bulletproof jacket. Apparently this jacket makes it so bullets do no harm to me. Just went up to 2 pistol stalkers and watched as they could only do 1-2dmg to me. Using my .44 and getting a crit from aim I one shot them.

Heres my new issue: nobodys buying anything from me. I tried to sell my crossbow and got maybe $50. Nobodys got EMP or rifles. I have no clue how i'm supposed to fight psi-beetles and now Robots. That's just ridiculous. Its like if they had you fight power armored wielding guys in fallout on the second mission.

General / Re: New player I need help. This game seems unfair.
« on: January 04, 2017, 05:40:51 pm »

I do have armor but, it wasn't listed. I'm using a generic hawker pistol from the start.

I finished the outposts but, now I'm empty handed and broke. Should I restart?

I tried going after Psi-beetles and died. i tried going into the barracks tunnels and stalkers killed me. The game seems too difficult. What am I supposed to do? Its made worse by the fact even with 10 PER I cant hit anything. I'm basically fucked aren't I? my knife is broken, my gun is nearly broken, I have nothing. How is this RNG even remotely fair?  It's not remotely fair. of course you people are experts at this game. I';m a newbie how am I seriously expected to kill psi-beetles and stalkers that can kill me in a few hits and attack every turn? How is that fair?

General / New player I need help. This game seems unfair.
« on: January 03, 2017, 02:46:51 pm »
I'm having serious troubles with ammo. I'm playing as a tank character and I have no ammo. period. Ammo is too expensive to buy and I have nothing to fight the rathhounds with. I can't sneak because I have no sneaking ability. I'm getting frustrated at how seemingly impossible this game is. I'm barely at the start and already I'm screwed. I haven't even gotten to the harder parts yet. What do they expect us to have infinite ammo and infinite money? There just too many enemies. Any help is appreciated.

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