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Messages - Darcek

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Progression Guide
« on: January 26, 2017, 02:56:11 pm »
So... the end..
I have reached the final boss.. just to find out his impossible... after all this effort to find it was for nothing...

I had to settle to watching the end via some idiot that posted it in youtube.
Dude didnt even do half the work I did(he didnt get the knife in deep caverns etc..)

Good game except for the ending..

oh well on to the next one.. cheers happy torments to those who follow..

General / Re: Tunnler in core city
« on: January 26, 2017, 11:47:12 am »
What you mean I cant?
I did fix it on my own. Didn't do a screen save but it said I was able to fix it and its available to be used now.

Maybe you mean by "you cant" :If you will,it will break the quest.Which is something I already know and thought maybe some workaround.this is a bug otherwise that needs to be treated.
aka if you "cant" then the game shouldn't let you fix it or give you offer for it(I think I had an "Electronics" Option to fix it)

General / Tunnler in core city
« on: January 22, 2017, 10:38:42 am »
I fixed the tunneler before I even talked to Sneaky and Gorky..
Now when I speak to Sneaky about it,theres no option with him or Gorsky to say its done.

Am I doing something wrong or is this quest broken and I should leave it be?

I haven't done the warehouse quest as well.Maybe I need warehouse before Tunneler updates?
Didnt do warehouse yet cause I have no Idea which set of Armor is bobs(didn't know ill need it to pass the guard.the guard knows that bob was black and im white anyway and wearing a backlava didnt help either)
And my intimidation of dock master failed now he wouldnt even speak with me again plus he always notice me in stealth so i cant pick the lock either.with 85 stealth even which sux.

General / Re: Progression Guide
« on: January 17, 2017, 08:00:48 am »
Thanks Yonaiker.. Ill try following that guide line ,thou I did stumble on rail crossing by mistake, and they got some mean characters there..
One side got pawned by facless, other by some stalker gang in a low lit tunnel..

General / Progression Guide
« on: January 15, 2017, 08:53:10 am »
Is there a progression guide somewhere or can someone advise me how to proceed?
I've just acquired the armadillo parts.
Problem is there's now 3 different locations offered to me to proceed(Not to mention various other areas I could go now I have charges).

I rather not, do guess work here ,and arrive at zones appropriate to my skill progressed.

Basically looking for zone levels.
Which ones are easier which are harder,which to do first and which later on.

I might be wrong here.
Since its first time i'm playing this game,could be there's no easier zones...just progress as you like?

Anyway any light on any matter here would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Pages: [1]