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Messages - Eisen

Pages: [1]
General / Re: GMS Expedition
« on: April 22, 2017, 04:05:26 pm »
No, you can solve that quest normally. There is however a prisoner/hostage situation going on at that level that the old man asks you to solve and I'm not sure if you still get the exp point for freeing the hostages

General / Re: Flashbang Merchant
« on: April 21, 2017, 07:42:56 am »
I do not know for sure, but Len in Junkyard sells blueprint for flashbang, so try him....
I got the recipe already but my chemistry isn't high enough.

I think, i saw them being sold in general stores, like the one in Core City

I will  check that one out

General / Flashbang Merchant
« on: April 20, 2017, 10:36:13 am »
Anyone know a merchant that sells them? All gun stores seem to sell HE/Frags only

Marking items in your inventory as favourites so you can easily spot them when you're hording stuff of the same type
Like when you're using 3 different pistold but also carrying some to sell you should be able to mark your 3 weapons of choice so you can easily switch and dont accidentally sell

  • Being able to see the total value of the request/offer in the barter interface would make it easier to balance things out
  • A memory function for the hotkey bar. When you assign lockpicks to a key and use them all up they should automatically be assigned to the key again once you buy/find new lockpicks

Suggestions / Small suggestions that don't deserve their own thread
« on: April 16, 2017, 07:50:08 am »

I remember sticky threads like this from forums about other indie games to be quite useful.

Just post smaller stuff like some quality of life improvements, fluff or anything minor.

I will start with more throwing weapons. Strength based weapons like javelins and throwing axes/tomahawks.
Shurikens that fly further and are more accurate than throwing knives but do less damage.

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