1. It seems that dissipation rate is capped at 2%, just checked.
2. Originally dissipation happened every turn and the number made more sense - a shield with 2% dissipation would lose 2% of its max shield/energy capacity every turn.
Nowadays the principle is still the same (n% dissipation means n% shield loss) but the dissipation happens much slower, over 5 turns. So divide the dissipation rate by 5 to get the dissipation per turn.
Got it, thank you very much!
Are you sure you didn't mix up that shield with another? Unless you're playing an old alpha version that has the original fast shield dissipation, 100 energy capacity and 2% dissipation rate should come to mere 0.4 energy drain per turn.
I meant shield capacity (energy * conversion rate), so it's all right.
(2% of 500)/5=2 of shield capacity or 0.4 of energy capacity.