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Messages - POPPO

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Battery trouble bug
« on: March 14, 2018, 06:30:00 pm »
I would love to. Just dont know how. :S
Can you tell me what to do?

Bugs / Battery trouble bug
« on: March 13, 2018, 11:28:33 pm »
I've finally been able to solve the quest "battery trouble" without screening the forum. Only there seems to be a bug. When I've solved the puzzle with the bot and are about to short circuit the Power generator, the bot turns it of, without short circuiting it. It cant be turned on again and the doors stay locked. I've read up on the forum as well as watching a Youtube video, but for my game it doesn't work the same. I simply cannot short cuircuit the Power generator.
Please, if anyone knows what is wrong, help me. Great game by the way! Such dept.

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