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Messages - Hawkknot

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Builds / Re: Help with High Caliber Gunslinger Build on Normal
« on: June 05, 2020, 07:08:08 am »
Is that WITH the -3 from the Gunslinger perk? I did the math and I think I should have enough cost reduction to fire two shots with 7 DEX.

Well, a shot with that gun costs 32 AP by default, - 3 from Gunslinger = 29. To reduce that 29 to 25, you'll need 9 DEX according to the chart on the wiki-page about Dexterity. If you plan on having that, than decreasing 2 stat points from PER won't be such a big deal compared to what you gain. Also more DEX mean less point needed for lockpick, traps and the like.

God dammit... I made it to the gun, before I saw your post, and you're right. I do need more Dex. Now to restart from the beginning. That's what I get for doing my own math...

Builds / Re: Help with High Caliber Gunslinger Build on Normal
« on: June 04, 2020, 07:16:10 am »
I think I'll keep mechanics where it is to begin with, since I want to keep the option to make my own gun open. I don't know how that .44 will hold up late game.
If points start to get tight, know that even if you take 30 out of Mechanics, you'll still be able to make any quality gun in the game as long as you take it home for the crafting bench bonus.  You really only need to clear the (0.8*q) threshold for the frame, becuase unlike leather armor or metal armor or energy shields or such, guns don't have "increase total skill requirements" slots, and the only optional enhancement that adds any significant secondary requirement for a pistol is the smart module, but you've already got tons of electronics for a shield emitter.

You only need to hit those thresholds long enough to craft the item.  So when you're optimizing in epeli's character builder, make sure to tick the "housing bonus" box, and also add the +2 Int buff if you plan to be able to use Hypercerebrix.  If you want to get razor-thin margins, also select the Under Pie food for that buff, too.  No sense having 180 effective skill in Mechanics if the highest threshold you'll ever see is (0.8*160) = 128.

If you pulled your skills down here, you'd still be able to craft any pistol you want, any tac vest with any cloth, any grenade you want including plasmas and EMPs, any shield generator you want, and you'd still have all these extra points for Traps or whatever.

Awesome! Thanks!

If you plan to shoot the Magnum twice per turn, you have to have 9 DEX.
However if you happen to have 11 DEX and specialized on Psycho-temporal Acceleration, then you can shoot a Rapid .44 Hammerer 4 times each round.
Or have just 8 DEX, no specialisation and make 2 regular + 1 Rapid Fire with Contraction (or Adrenaline if you're psyless).

Is that WITH the -3 from the Gunslinger perk? I did the math and I think I should have enough cost reduction to fire two shots with 7 DEX.

Builds / Re: Help with High Caliber Gunslinger Build on Normal
« on: June 04, 2020, 02:06:42 am »
Thanks for the feedback!
Some trap skill would be nice... :)
I think I'll keep mechanics where it is to begin with, since I want to keep the option to make my own gun open. I don't know how that .44 will hold up late game.

Builds / Help with High Caliber Gunslinger Build on Normal
« on: June 04, 2020, 12:45:59 am »

I've been tinkering with a Revolver build. The plan is to use the .44 that the dude in Depot A drops for more critical chance. Two shots per turn. Tac Vest (Regen if I can get enough points in bio), and High Level Damage grenades for AOEs.

I've not played the expansion yet.

I've been doing some number crunching, so I think I've got a good handle on things, but please have a look and let me know if I've missed something essential.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Builds / Re: Build advice (Soldier)
« on: August 19, 2018, 12:37:54 pm »
Allright! I'll be putting the excess points into mercantile then. Thanks a bunch for your help! :D

Builds / Re: Build advice (Soldier)
« on: August 19, 2018, 11:23:39 am »
Interesting advice, thanks!

If I understand you correctly then the mercantile skill affects what vendors have in stock in addition to getting a better price?

I'm also a bit hesitant to lower my throwing skill, since the skill also affect damage done right?

I got 15 perception since I'm gonna be burst-firing a lot and the perception boost will allow me to hit with more of the bullets, but if can take 3 points out of perception and still hit with all those shots then maybe I should put them into constitution instead? So screw stealth, put 1 point into strength for metal armor, and 2 points into constitution for some more hit-points. This will also make me able to keep a high throwing skill.

Dropping stealth will also mean disarming traps only. How many skill-points do I need in traps if I'm only disarming them?

EDIT: Here's the updated link based on feedback.

Builds / Build advice (Soldier)
« on: August 19, 2018, 10:35:10 am »
Hello. I need some build advice regarding my soldier. I'm going for a Rambo style dude, with a big ass machine gun and grenades aplenty. He also needs to be able to craft his own ammo, grenades and equipment, so I gave him some intelligence at the cost of agility.

Here is a link to the character planner:

The skill values are an approximation. I will place my points "by ear" as I play, but info regarding max values would be awesome, since this will free me up to put some points into biology for combat stims.
I also plan to go for vests and not metal armor, but I don't know if that is the right call since I have very little agility, and will have to eat some lead from time to time.
All stats start at their respective values except for Perception with starts at 9 and gets a bump every 4 levels.
I will be playing on normal difficulty.

Let me know what you think. I'm really tired of starting over and just want a good character to finish the game with. Thanks!

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