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Messages - Dawid47

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Can load old files - but not save
« on: September 13, 2018, 08:07:10 pm »

Really great game! I have previously enjoyed this game hugely for a massive amount of days/weeks. 10 of 10!

I just reinstalled the game together with my old saves, kept from last play in december 2017 (game version
Used to work to load old saves between updates. Have done this before: having a longer pause from the game and reinstalling to continue, without problems/errors.

I have searched through other posts for answers, and can confirm that I also have problems advancing from the start screen: often having to press same buttons three times, for example "settings", "load" etc. The screen minimize when pressed first times.

But the biggest issue is this:
The old saves will load, but Im not able to save. I get a message, telling me:


Failed to save the game."

I have followed the sticky post about reinstalling xna, directx, (.net already on system). There are no bug reports in "mygames".
I run Windows 10 Pro (auto updates enabled). 

I also tried to start a completely new game, skipping the intro tutorial. The screen fades to black. The following cut scene with Underrail leaders fail to load.

Aaarrgh.... I have such Underrail cravings right now.
You wouldn

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