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Messages - Xothic

Pages: [1]
Individually, these PSI changes are an interesting way to bring PSI a bit more in line with the rest of the build archetypes.

The biggest problem that I can see is that you've taken several substantial nerfs to PSI and applied ALL of them at once.

The nerfs to the biggest overpowered/overused PSI abilities (P-TC, wall, thermo destab etc) would have been one substantial nerf, the %psi cost increase for using spells from multiple schools would've been another, and then the imbue limit would've been a third. I think it would've been much more reasonable to launch an experimental branch with one or two of these nerfs instead of all three at once.

IMO - you should keep the individual op ability nerf as well as the %psi cost nerf. Make it function like a debuff, if you cast a thermodynamic skill, grant a 15% debuff to the cost of all your other psi school spells for ten turns or something and then just have one for each discipline that applies in turn. This also has strategy implications, as you might want to think about when the most appropriate time to activate that TK skill you want might be, knowing that it'd have consequences on the rest of your abilities.

The imbue limit in my opinion is just outright over the top and should be fully reverted or given a MUCH higher base limit (base of 4, +1 per 3 int sounds far more reasonable if you are really invested in the concept). As it stands, a medium investment psi character (i'd consider 6 int to be medium investment) can use THREE psi abilities. three. Its just too much.

It just adds flat damage to your hit.  If anything, it helps you overcome the threshold.
Oh! For some reason I thought it rolled as an additional line/source of damage. No idea why I thought that upon re-reading the feat itself.
It should be good for the fist weapon build i'm planning then, thanks.

Does the Expertise feat (extra damage per hit = your level capped at 20) roll against enemy mechanical resistance/threshold independently, or is only the hit that caused the Expertise damage the one that incurs the DR/DT?

Basically, is it useless against enemies who have at least a base mech threshold of 20 (assuming for the moment no defensive reduction is in play)? AKA, pretty much every enemy in DOMINATING lol

Builds / Re: A Dominating (Ironman) Viable throwing ninja build
« on: May 08, 2019, 12:18:20 pm »
Your build won't be able to beat Tchort.

I can't find the STEAM thread but someone else tried a similar build (low CON throwing ninja) on Hard and failed to beat Tchort. With 3 CON you'll be one shot by Tchortling Scanner's Neural Overload. We tried everything and I mean everything we could think of for his char. You can only keep the Tchortling away for so long and you just can't do enough damage to beat Tchort before getting one shot.
Fascinating. What builds have enough DPS to kill Tchort despite being 3 CON?

Ultra high damage builds like sniper and probably energy pistol i'd expect would be able to take out Tchort in a single turn, meaning CON wouldn't matter.

General / Why was Mind Dart removed?
« on: May 04, 2019, 02:19:16 am »
Was just scrolling through the wiki articles on consumables, and I stumbled upon an item i'd not seen before;

Apparently it was in previous versions of the game? Curious as to why it was removed, was it just too powerful a consumable for the already quite strong PSI builds?

General / Re: Custom Portraits
« on: April 29, 2019, 11:17:58 am »
Heres a couple I've made in paint over the years.

Always liked the facial expression of the guy in the yellow jumpsuit, but hated the yellow jumpsuit, so I put him in the hooded cloak of another character. I also merged Ezra's custom portrait with one of the Coretech guys.

They're slightly sloppy jobs I admit, but they look pretty good ingame.

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