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Messages - Hipsternity

Pages: [1] 2
Builds / Re: Weak as hell early game PSI on dominating?
« on: April 11, 2022, 09:04:30 am »
You can also get Forceful Innervation perk. You gonna scale from Will, just like 'ol good time. The new content will also be there.

How to:
1. Downgrade game below
2. Make new psi char. Get psi-pill and save
3. Upgrade the game, load You save, now You have Forceful Innervation perk, old Will scallings with -10 penalty to psi points
4. Export You brand new char
5. Create new game, import You char and enjoy the last patch with old Will mechanics

Bugs / Re: Thermodynamic Destabilization status removed by Cryokinetic Orb
« on: February 11, 2022, 09:13:52 am »
Pity. Styg doesn't want us to double aoe boom-boom. It's mentioned in some patch notes or anywhere? Been looking on wiki and patchnotes, but found nothing. Google also gave me no result on this matter.

I think i was right, and it's not intended. Did some tests, and looks like "Warmed Up" status prevents explosion from Thermodynamic Destabilization while target gets killed specificaly by Cryo Orb. Targets unaffected by "Warmed Up" explode normally while killed by Cryokinetic orb. Every other psi skill is causing explosion even on "Warmed Up" targets.

Tests above were done on humans. As for rathounds, casting Cryokinetic Orb or Cryokinesis on target with Thermodynamic Destabilization causes removal of TD. Interactions are quite inconsistent.

Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: February 11, 2022, 07:44:02 am »
Missing space, should be "which is east".

Bugs / Re: Thermodynamic Destabilization status removed by Cryokinetic Orb
« on: February 11, 2022, 07:35:02 am »
Oh boi, learn to read what somebody wrote. CRYOKINESIS triggers THERMODYNAMIC DESTABILIZATION.
So we have situation, where one cold skill triggers, and one cold skill removes destabilization. Where is your god now?

Bugs / Thermodynamic Destabilization status removed by Cryokinetic Orb
« on: February 10, 2022, 10:36:19 pm »

As in topic, Thermodynamic Destabilization gets removed by casting Cryokinetic Orb.
If target affected by TD gets killed by Cryo orb, no explosion occurs.
If target survives Cryo orb hit, TD debuff is removed.

Targets were affected by "Warmed Up".

Killing target affected by TD with Cryokinesis triggers explosion. Same for other psi skills.


Bugs / Re: Psycho quest is bugged
« on: December 14, 2020, 06:51:28 pm »
It's not bugged. Where did You get this 30%HP? It's not Path of Exile. Just bring him down to 60HP and viola, You can throw a flashbang.

Bugs / Bug with Phil's arm extraction (breaking Aegis questchain)
« on: December 11, 2020, 10:03:22 am »
Dear Styg!

On my last playthrough i found a glitch.
I started expansion, found Phil's arm, then moved on straight to Lemurian Health Centre.
In healthcentre i tried out two thing:
 - first one was to remove chip from Phil's arm, then implant it into my hand, and go back to Aegis camp to open Arch Keep - i couldn't open the door by any means. Dialog was stuck on bringing a working chip, quest was marked as unfinished.
 - second try was to extract RFID from Phil's arm (without implanting it into my hand) and bring it back to Aegis camp to open Arch Keep - after talking to Professor, quest got marked as completed, but dialog was stuck on bringing a working chip.

If Phil's hand wouldn't be lost during extraction of RFID chip, both problems could be solved at once.


Bugs / Re: Naga Protector - mIrAcLe of black sea
« on: August 03, 2019, 08:26:04 am »
I dont think power core is the case. Hostile Nagas had logical pattern of engage: plasma shot from afar, then shorten the distance, then melee attack. I find melee as most deadly of its skills. Usually when i fought them, keeping the distance was highest priority, cuz their melee attack were lethal.

While defending the camp, we have a bit different scenario. But i see no justification for naga to use plasma shot at point blank while there is one serpentboi left at its melee range.
Whats wrong with those scripts? No doubt NFT lost war against Biocorp if their robots just killed themselves while defending the base. I feel lucky AF that my plasma turret finds no interest in attacking dumb naga :P

Bugs / Naga Protector - mIrAcLe of black sea
« on: August 02, 2019, 05:55:38 pm »
Fought few nagas before i set up one in aegis camp to improve the defences. Nagas i've fought seemed strong, lacked illogical behaviour, and used melee attack while in range.
Unlike aegis camp naga. This one is retarded. Enemies cant break through its defences. Yea, thats cool, untill retarded naga deals himself critical hit with plasma shot, taking more damage in one action, than enemies managed to deal since the beginning of whole raid. Attacking enemies in melee range with plasma shot never occured while i was fightning against nagas. It happens all the time with this damn piece of junk. None of hostile nagas had self destruct protocol. My piece of junk keeps hurting himself. Mind if i ask if its AI is ok?

Bugs / Expose Weakness - resistance specialization
« on: August 02, 2019, 01:10:43 pm »
Tooltip shows 57% instead of 58% reduction. Specialization level 4/5.

Bugs / Hive Bug
« on: July 29, 2019, 03:25:19 pm »
Hive at G8 square of Black Sea spawned regular Locust instead of Water Locust on the water surface. Other Hives behaved normally.

edit1: Another Hive related bug i've encountered is beeing unable to target Locusts standing behind Hive.

edit2: Hives at I6 (right one) and G8 (bottom one) can't be reached by melee attack at dry land. Both of em spawned regular Locust. Is it intended?

Bugs / Re: Unable to loot corpses
« on: July 29, 2019, 03:21:29 pm »
Same situation as above, but this time broken barrel claimed the loot.

Bugs / Re: Arena - Stygian Exorcist loot
« on: July 28, 2019, 10:26:55 pm »
Back in the time, yea, bilocation robe would be pretty standard. But since a while, his drop was just old regular robes.

Bugs / Re: Old barrel
« on: July 28, 2019, 01:11:46 pm »
Western camp at Warehouse Block Beta also have old barrel.

Bugs / Arena - Stygian Exorcist loot
« on: July 28, 2019, 12:18:28 pm »
After zoning him out i've connected the dots...
He studied medicine with Fixer.

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