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Messages - Dr_Nomz

Pages: [1]
General / Heavy Punch is useless?
« on: July 02, 2019, 09:02:59 am »
It says it doubles the AP cost for 180% damage. This means two turns worth of punching for less damage. What is the point of that? Why would anyone take such a useless feat?

General / Re: Faster travel?
« on: July 02, 2019, 09:01:45 am »
When you say world map, do you mean the basic map we have at the start of the game, or is there a Fallout Classic style world map that makes long distance travel easier?

General / Faster travel?
« on: July 01, 2019, 03:39:18 pm »
From what I gather, there's no fast travel OR "world map" in this game, meaning I have to use the characters slow walking to get EVERYWHERE in this game.

Is there any way to not do this? Walking all the way to SGS every time I need healing is really annoying.

Thanks for the info.

What about that discount? Does that affect cash, or selling prices? (on my end)

I sold him 2 traps for 6 credits, should I have waited?

Remember how Fallout would let you heal just by waiting or using your skills every 24 hours? Is there anything like that in this game?

Also it's very jarring to not have a skilldex, can I use my skills on the environment at all, or is it all automatic like Fallout 3/New Vegas did it?

And do I REALLY need to use an expensive consumable every time I want to open something? That seems a little extreme.

General / Re: No see through walls? (Can't target enemies)
« on: June 30, 2019, 07:42:21 pm »
Okay thanks.

General / No see through walls? (Can't target enemies)
« on: June 30, 2019, 03:43:31 pm »
If it's a bug let me know, but you know in Fallout 1/2 you would always see your character, and any enemies outlines, through walls? Is that not in this one?

Like I'll walk in front of a wall, and I can't see my character. Worse yet, if an ENEMY is behind a wall, I can't target it. At all.

Do I need to turn on those ugly outlines to be set to "all the time"? Because I only want them when I'm hovering over them, and that's impossible if they're behind a wall.

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