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Messages - Hawk

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Bugs / Re: Line of Site in combat
« on: January 17, 2024, 02:00:53 am »
I have been running into various issues with line of site during combat, usually around doors, corners, blockades, etc..
In various situations, the enemy can attack me with melee (or ranged), and stay in place, and I cannot attack him from my position.

I think line of site should be calculated equally for both sides.
If enemy has a clear line of site to attack me, i should have clear line of site to attack him.

Had the same issue numerous times.

Bugs / Invisible Pirate Jetskier
« on: January 15, 2024, 02:37:03 am »
During an encounter with Pirate's patrol, one of them is invisible. Though he becomes visible when he attacks my character. And there is a contour on the water from his jetski. Otherwise he is invisible and cannot be aimed... Only way to damage him is by splash damage weapons...

Screenshot attached.

Bugs / Stealth skill reset to zero after the save load.
« on: December 13, 2023, 10:58:48 am »
My stealth skill is based only on gear, it displays the skill value between parentheses.
When I save the game and load later, it resets stealth skill value to zero.
I have to remove my armor and put it on again, in order to return the correct value again.

Bugs / Hand grenades craft wrong requirements.
« on: December 08, 2023, 01:29:15 pm »
The skill requirement for Mk-IV hand grenades is the same as for the Mk-V type.

Bugs / 1 quality medium frequency shield modulator!
« on: December 08, 2023, 08:17:38 am »
Looted from the De Pacino's gang corpses, one of their energy shields had that component, figured out after I disassembled the device, the part had no quality at all or 1.
I attach the screenshot.

Bugs / Re: Dude's Juice stock quantity. (Spoilers)
« on: November 23, 2023, 09:26:33 pm »
Yes, this is very weird!
I didn't mixed anything, it's just didn't worked for me...
Thank you very much, don't bother, I will be fine with 4 Juices.
Hope this bug doesn't occurs in future...

Bugs / Re: Dude's Juice stock quantity. (Spoilers)
« on: November 22, 2023, 02:50:16 am »

I uploaded the bugged save here.

Another save one on the same playthrough, before the deal.

You guys are welcome! Sincerely, UnderRail is great game. Last time I liked a RPG so much, was in 2000, when I first played Fallout 2!

Bugs / Re: Dude's Juice stock quantity. (Spoilers)
« on: November 19, 2023, 12:14:44 am »
Are you using the Russian language mod, by any chance? Cause we've gotten some odd bugs recently which are caused by that mod, so I'd like to get that out of the way first. If not, then you can upload your current save for us to take a look at.

Where should I send the save files?

Bugs / Re: Dude's Juice stock quantity. (Spoilers)
« on: November 19, 2023, 12:12:59 am »
Nope, I do not use any mods. Only certified versions :D
I respect you guys a lot, and very grateful for your huge job!

P.S. I really appreciate what you guys doing, so I bought the game like 4 times.
First time I lost Steam account access, bought another copy of UnderRail on new Steam accout, third is when I bought Expedition+UnderRail but on GOG (don't remember the reason, think there was some discount for the pack), fourth time I bought UnderRail pack with Heavy Duty on Steam again, because I was unable to buy only the DLC on GOG (they blocked the payments from Russia) and I didn't had Expedition on Steam... So I bought the pack!

Bugs / Re: Pascale dialogue bug.
« on: November 19, 2023, 12:04:38 am »
Yes. It is.

Bugs / Re: Dude's Juice stock quantity. (Spoilers)
« on: November 17, 2023, 01:27:29 am »
He sells 8 juice only if you passed persuasion/mercantile check with quinton

No, no. I had enough skills.
I am sorry, mb my English is bad. I explained above, that after I noticed the bug, it was too late, I advanced too many levels up etc. But I loaded my previous saves, from the same playthrough, and it worked correct this time, Dude had 8 Juices in stock... I can send you my current save if you want.

Why go through all the hoops - why, for supreme firepower .44 and 12.7 calibers offer. Explosive and especially contaminated rounds are dope. Also, not all players go for "most cookie-cutter" things - quite many love a challenge, which is another, completely different, reason.

As for way lower accuracy per bullet - my only guess for a rationale here is that pistols and crossbow fire every projectile after the user made good aim, while minigun spits most bullets while the user is managing the recoil, hence unable to aim nearly as well for each bullet fired.

edit: oh and also, why bother with ARs and SMGs, if Fusion Cannon exists? With a build properly tailored to use all the feats and features Fusion Cannon can benefit from, and going with 2 shots per turn, Fusion Cannon just wipes out things left and right even ARs and SMGs would have some trouble dealing with. And at practically any range bar beyond-usual-vision places (which are very few) where sniper rifles outrange it. %)

Yes, it's true. But crippled/raw/illogical weapon mechanic isn't really a challenge, it's just a pain and disappointment. While UnderRail is my favourite RPG, after Fallout 2...
IMO they need to modify that effective range, at least slightly... Otherwise it's nonsense. Minigun is an endgame weapon, you need very high base stats as well as skills and feats, in order to be effective with it, that's what I tried to make, but I failed, due to ridiculously low hit chance... I was unable to match the enemies, it's completely unreliable and AP-costly useless stuff, compared to AR or SMG. Usually a heavy weapon such as a minigun or MG outclass any AR or SMG and it's also much harder to operate, which is the case, but the thing is totally useless...
About Fusion cannon, you've got a point there, I agree.

You ain't supposed to go chase things with a minigun, see. You're supposed to find some corner and stand your ground, while slowing any incoming foes. Strafe feat to negate move and shoot penalty to be able to fire without it after hiding behind some corner. Suppressive fire to slow 'em down, with some cryogas grenades on top whenever it's worth it. At least that's how i dig the whole minigun idea: it's intended to make us largely stationary "turret" and mowing down any amount of opposition able and willing to get into minigun's actual effective (~5 tiles) range, while in the same time wounding-or-killing anything beyond that range by the same volley.

I understand what you mean. But, why would one go through all that hard-ways, luring someone behind corner, camping around, waiting, saving/loading, wasting time and nerves, if assault rifles and SMGs exist? On much higher range, much higher effectiveness, much less AP, much more kills, way less stuff to carry etc.?
And I don't get it, why does a minigun has less effective range than a pistol or a crossbow? Am I missing something?

My character has 140 (base) and 294 (total with buffs) Heavy Guns skill, and 17(!!!) (11 base, 14 with buffs+Brute Aim perk) perception, 14 strength.
I tried whatever possible, when I aim anything with minigun at the distance of 7 tiles, I get 16% (!!! ridiculous) unfocused aim chance at 7 tiles away from target, and ONLY 24% when focused.
Please help!
Confirmed: 24% hit chance with a minigun vs a camera in Your House at 7 tiles distance, while Focused. Same percentage - with very similar Heavy Guns (effective 301) and same 14 Str, as per the screenshot. Seems like it's capped by distance, to me.

As for "please help!" part - this low hit chance is only at 7 tiles distance. It will rapidly go higher and higher the closer you go to a target (or the closer a target gets to you, ofc). It looks like miniguns are hard-coded to behave this way. Not oh so major problem given the amount of bullets they spit out, though - especially with Jumpstart mk2 motor, which is +2 bullets from very 1st volley and +2 more on top after each burst. Though i agree 24% focused at max effective distance is quite too low. Ain't exactly what we expect to see at _effective_ range, yep.

Bro! I thought the same way, that it's meant to be such a low hitchance, due to the amount of bullets shot!
BUT when I tried to shoot a group ( 6-7 enemies) of bunched up enemies, I barely hit anyone, due to very low % hitchance!
Also, this kind of weapon just (logically and consecutively) CANT have such a LOW effective range. You can't go melee with a minigun!
Because, it cuts your Iniciative ( by default, drawback of the gun ) and it's supposed to be played with maximum armor penalty, so you simply won't have movement points. While you will try to close the distance, you would simply get shot to death, that's what I experienced... I mean against any challenging enemy, not against rathounds or some raiders...
And by that logic, how would an AR have 5-6x better % hitchance? I just don't get it.
It must be strongly balanced, right now it looks like very,very raw!

Bugs / Dude's Juice stock quantity. (Spoilers)
« on: November 16, 2023, 08:48:26 pm »
I finished the quest to find the ingridients supplier for Dude, now he is supposed to sell Juice in quantities of 8 (I got that on my other playthrough, which I specially loaded to check).
But the guy sells only by 4 as before...
And after I found out the bug, I tried to reproduce it by loading the old save games of the bugged playthrough, AND to my surprise, after I did that, the guy had 8 juices in stock!
So my current playthrough is bugged ( because I advanced way too much, in order to replay all from my old save...).

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