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Messages - Bloxyest

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Game crash when Strongman throws oil barrel
« on: August 07, 2019, 04:09:58 pm »
I was surrounded by handmaidens and strongmen, and a strongman picked up a nearby oil barrel and threw it at me, crashing the game.
this was in the nexus of technology on the robotics level it that helps, and I popped uncanny dodge before it threw it.

Bugs / Re: Savegame smoked
« on: July 23, 2019, 04:04:54 pm »
I've found a solution (at least for me, not sure how AVG works). I went and made a backup Underrail folder in my My Games folder and deleted the old one so that the game could generate a fresh folder. after creating a new character and transitioning through the intro I got this popup from my avast

I clicked allow app and I could quicksave and transition as needed. after doing that I went back into My Games folder and replaced that new Underrail folder with the backup one (the one with all my saves), and now everything works as intended!

I'm not sure why I wasn't getting the popup before making a fresh Underrail folder though... weird.

Bugs / Re: Savegame smoked
« on: July 23, 2019, 12:21:52 am »
Hey just wanted to pop in saying that I'm having the same problem on my end as well. I really wanted to play Expedition with no problems but this is a bummer for me. I know I can just disable autosave on transitions and save manually, but its still a pain knowing that I cannot quicksave. uninstalling and reinstalling doesn't work and neither does setting the game as administrator. Disabling my avast antivirus doesn't seem work either. This problem wasn't happening a year ago when I last played it, so I'm out of ideas as to whats causing it.

also trying to delete saves in-game produces an error as well.

EDIT: another thing to note is while saving manually does work, it does not create a thumbnail for the save, leaving it black, probably has to do with the error log having denied access to create it.

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