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Messages - redivider

Pages: [1]
Dont sweat about what other people say, when I play crossbows I never take aimed shot and snipe (because they dont synergize with anything else, snipe makes bowyer and ambush and crit power useless and takes 2 feats since aimed shot is needed, and aimed shot is obsolete because 100% crit chance from ambush. Further more they cant use special bolts. Furthermore its just 2 attacks out of like 15 that you do in 3 turns. Furthermore snipe can only be used once per combat. Furthermore theres an average of like 5 enemis+ on dominating so i  dont care about instaggibing just 1. I could go on and on and on about it, yet every build you see for instance, will have aimed shot and snipe for crossbows = waste of 2 feats IMO). Just play whatever you feel like, youll realize what should/needs to be changed depending on your playstyle and difficulty and classic/oddity.

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