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Messages - Kiruha

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Builds / Fusion Canon Tanky Build (10 con Thick Skull variant)
« on: June 20, 2024, 01:10:11 pm »
Inspired by this build but shifted/dropped some feats

A more tanky/sturdy variant of Fusion Canon build, witout feats for LMG's (LMG's are super strong  with specced heavy metal even without feats)
Level 30 is free pick, pick something useful.

Keep in mind that crafting feats will be useless before you reverse engineer your fusion canon, so you can rearange them a little to have more surviability at the begginig. I decided to take them in that order to not forget  about them. Juggernaut  can help early game tremendesly
Dissasemble is good for moneymaking \ beartraps making, Hight Technitialities will work with deffault Fusion Canon and Stunner too anyway
After Thick Skull + Metal Armor with regenerative vest and you can kill deathstalkers all day long

You can choose Increased Per at veteran levels and take Scrutinous then, I decided to pick INT to have more consistent damage + bonus for crafting skills.

Guns should be 25 for Hight Technitialities, raise it up early game and this make you life a little easier before you move to heavy guns.
You can drop stealth but 40 will help you in the  begginig (before Fusion canon and quad SS armor)
Throwing can be dropped too, but it will help you early and will be nice cc later. 127 effective for max accuracy and range
Hacking 75 (to hack anything)

I did not use lockpicking because with high str you can force open all ventilation shafts. I used lockpicking with Jackknife for some places for quests (rift in Core City Entrace, Booze for Dude, Evelyn Gachi Dungeon).
crafting (for 180 quality components, can be lower). Hypercerebrix  + Bio Belt+ Underpie + workshops. Maybe electro belt will be more profitable. Also i was lazy to get Lemirian Engineer suit

Base values - something like these
Machanics 100 (can be lower if you use Lemirian Engineer suit)
Electronics 101 (216 effective fo 180 quality fussion canon)
Chemisty 16 (for Bio Vest and early gas grenades)
Biology 90 (for all drugs)
Tailoring 90 (for regenerative vest)

Psychokinesis 45 (imprint + grouding)
TM 70 or max (Stasis and contraction)

Mercantile - at the end of the prologue you should have 80 effective with Big Waist Pack to get bespoke boots. Something about 50 base

There are still room for skillpoints.

S 8
D 3
A 3
C 9
P 7
W 3
I 7

Atribute points little tricky:
At levels 4 - 8 -12 raise STR to get Bute Aim at level 12
At level 16 raise 1 per to take Tricky Trajectory
At level 20 raise Con to get Thick Skull
At level 24 you can raise anything, I choosed one more per

Early game is a little rought, use bear traps, gas greandes some poor dudes at outposts to stockile 8,6 ammo, metal armor and assault rifles. Gas Modre to get his nice armor. At level 6-8 you can take molotovs, you sneak gear and beartaps and go for Brno LMG. You should have plenty 8.6 ammo and utulize them weill with Brno. You can also craft you own LMG but Brno and Assault  rifles / smgs/ pistols even with crappy guns skill carried  me anyway, you still can use weapons even if you dont have enough skill if you use it in point blank range vs bear traped enemy
Wear Motion Tracking Goolges early game because early game your detection is not great and you dont have metal armor to stand on mines too

You can get Fusion Canon at level 10-12, but you need to level more before you can use it effectively (130 heavy guns needed).
I recommend to sneak and kill Cognator, then just ignore lasers alarm and pick Fusion Canon like a boss (if Cognator is dead, nobody will come to you)
You can kill cognator at level 10-12 in point blank range using one burst from Warthong n60
After that I used Tabi Boots + Rathound Regalia with Fusion canon before level 26, where I crafted quad SS armor and I had no problems at all.
Also, I crafted all my gear and Fusiaon Canon at level 26
Core City Faction - is not important, I decided to side with coretech this time.
You can finish Arena later, better to have Twich + Root Soda. Just kill Exploder with LMG burst to move Oligarsh questline, then you can finish arena later.
Questlines (Easiest - Coretech, Medium - JKK, Hard - Praetorian (because of last mission, you really need to have strong armor).
At the same time, at paper Praetorian  with Chemnaze greandes should be the best for this tin can build, but i never used them anyway.
Beast fight is a joke with Fusion Canon
At Expedition use Mercantile Check to buy supersoldier drug, use Supersoldier drug + white Dude cocktail + cave hopper boots and armor to raise AGI 10 and get to nexus in easy way.
As always, I recommend to use one Hybercerebrix from Heavy Duty to raise int to 9 and betray Aegis and side with pirates, you will not need to get Aegis Patroller this way (you can have 2 of them after pirates defend their base. Better to move them to other place to be sure they still be avaible).

Weapons - Fusion Canon / Crafted Ratchet 9mm LMG (Muzzled Compensated) or Refrubhsed MG3-42 (for 7.62 ammo). Also i used Stunner early for some sneak kills (lol) or where I need to kite/ immobilize enemy.
Head - NV seeker googles / Bioscrubber / Aegis Helmet / Spec Ops helmet. I prefer to not wear metal helmet, Seeker Googles is more profitable for crits
Shield - Dual High Effective Shield emmitrs / Dual Low Effective Shield Emmiters
Armor - quad Super Stell Regenerative vest metal armor / Quad tungste with Bio Vest Metal Armor versus some anoying enemies / CAU armor vs acid / Tesla armor vs electric damage
Belt - Doctor, Bullet strap (for LMG) or just Big Waist, not so important
Boots - Double Super Steel reinforced boots with Galvanic Padding.

Builds / Re: Fusion Cannon Build- The Ultimate Weapon
« on: June 12, 2024, 10:43:03 pm »
Is Heavy Metal works like other feats with penalties (with unmodified armor penalty?). If it is, it will be interesting to make mobile+Stealth Super Steel variant of this build (Nimble + Armor Sloping + Body Weight Training all that staff).  The biggest problem is that main source of damage of Fusion Canon comes from Heavy Metal, so build is tied to metal armor anyway

Builds / Re: Demoman: Agile Grenade Launcher Build [DOMINATING]
« on: June 08, 2024, 05:22:31 pm »
I’m sure the build will be fine with less per, but I like to max out damage as much as possible. And honestly most encounters you never need to reload anyway since everything is already dead. Especially considering you have two GLs so 12 shells. I’d say you end up losing damage (which, admittedly, you have some to spare) and gaining almost nothing.

Decided to go for 8 str, damage is so OP, I rarely used master demolition belt.
I think bomberman is like more mobile version of fusion cannon build, want to try Fusion Cannon next time.

Builds / Re: Demoman: Agile Grenade Launcher Build [DOMINATING]
« on: June 04, 2024, 09:14:51 pm »
Reached lvl 30 oddity and completed compound. Updated the main post with the latest changes and suggestions. It's pretty dialed in.

peete hello, now having a blast with this build (lol) - What do you think - on veteral levels take Increased STR instead of Increased PER to have 8 str and use 25mm 12 rounds GL and 8 rounds 40mm GL is it worth it? or mabye just take 1 point away from PER to have 7 STR for 8 rounds 40mm GL.
 Also what do youn think about Unqique GLs - Puninsher and Milecore, I now that the crafted ones will be stronger, but Punisher have crazy range (14)

You shouldn’t need any of that. By level 10, you’re pretty much unstoppable.
What are you having trouble with?

Just dying left and right, difficult to deal with big groups of enemies, killing speed is nice but staying alive is difficult).
Traps was real pain before I found motion tracking gooles (must-have for 3 per charactres).
I found melee playstyle much-much more difficult than psi or guns, with ranged attacks it is very easy to win every fight by cheesing bear traps and gas grenades.
I think my problems are more about my playing skill, not build. Now I try to craft end game gear and I see how it will be.

Like this build but really difficult to play, especially in the beggining (also 0 experience playing melee builds before)
Can take Versality and use Thumper + Bear Traps for easy exp farming on classic. Maybe even Split Spare to finish off 2 enemies at once (injured by GL). But it will not be knives build this way)
Nice to use Knife Thrower's Glove in offhand (5 AP with 19 dex for throwing knives)
Build is very depended on crafted gear

Builds / Stunner \ Thumper Gunslinger (Expedition + Heavy Duty)
« on: May 30, 2024, 12:42:16 pm »
This is just more flexible variant of energy pistol build. By using Stunner you can drop some crafting feats and still be strong
Also Stunner is much cheaper to shoot than ordinary laser pistol, you need only 8 dex for 10 ap shoot (unlike 14 with laser pistol), so you will have more spare atribute points by using stuner over laser pistol.

Full PER variant

8 dex 10 int and 18 per for 10ap stunner shot

Core feats:
Hight - Technitialies (5), Ambush, Premeditation, Critical Power(10), Psycho - Temporal Acceleration
Other feats and tatoo are optional

Core Skills:
Guns, Throwing (127 effective for CC like EMP and molotovs), Sneak, Hacking - Lockpicing (i Think 60 base is enougth, there are some items with bonuses - check gear section)

Mechanics ~40 effective (mostly for crafting infused rathound leather armor and some grenades\mines)
Electronic ~168 effective
Tailoring ~128 effective for infused rathound leather armor
Biology ~ 70  effective for hypercerebrix crafting
Chemisty ~20 effective for gas grenades. If you want you can level up more to create more powerful mines and grenaddes, especially Thermobaric Grenades for thumper (need to level up mechanics a little for them too)
Mercantile 44 base (need to have 80 effective with Large Waist Pack to get Bespoke Buckle Shoes ASAP after prologue)

Other skills are optional
You can have persuasion (about 30-40 will be enougth with all gear)
You can level traps a little (to use mines). You can level up more Chemistry for better greandes and mines
If you like you can level dodge to 30 and get Escape Artist feat
Pickpocket if you like (especially if you decide to go full dex variant)
There are many skill points

TM 70 (Psycho-temporal Contraction and Stasis)
Psychokinesis 55 (Proxy for Ambush, Grounding, Imprint)

Combat gear:
Seeker NV Googles
Soft Padded Infused rathound leather armor with black cloth
Stunner \ Thumper
Launcher Grenade Strap Belt\ Doctor's Pouch
Ninja Tabi Boots \ Infused Pig Leather Striders \ Infused (Greater) Siphoner Leather Tabi Boots when dealing with spiders (immune to slow)

Optional gear:
Synesthetic Refocus (Hexagon) + 3 per when you need it for secrets, any gas mask or Tchortist Bioscrubber for bio protection
JKK Armor (Lockpicking, Initiative, Persuasion), Technomedic Exoskeleton (Biology and Electronis Bonus). Lemurian Engineer Suit(traps and crafting), Tesla armor vs spiders. CAU armor for bio\acid protection
Jackknife \  Remote Control Energizer Glove (skills bonus)
Trapper belt (Traps), Bioinvestigative or Electroinvestigative belts (+ skills), Large Waist Pack (Mercantile)
Bespoke Shoes (+2 agility, Persuasin and mercantile), biohazard boots for bio and acid protection, immunity to acid pools

Conclusion: This build is flexible, this is all per variant and this one is not the optimal one i think, you can take some points from per and get more agility, dexterity or even INT. I am not sure about 17 int \ 11 per variant too, maybe this will give more damage. You can make 18 dex and 3 per version with versality and Survival Insticts, per in other variants should be 10-11 i think.

I will be happy to read your ideas about this build and different variants with atribute points

Builds / Re: Does anyone have a full grenade launcher build?
« on: December 30, 2023, 09:39:00 pm »
Grenade Launchers are very strong if you have high critical chance, they will crit a lot.

Builds / Re: The thumper is pretty interesting
« on: December 23, 2023, 11:10:34 pm »
If you have high crit chance  and critical power feat, this weapon will be so strong so it will obliterate most enemis even on Dominating in 1-2 shots, better use it with special belt and Thermobaric grenades (for better range). Also you can use TM + adrenalin to shoot it 2 times per turn (25 for shot then 7 ap with belt to reload - that means each shot will cost 32 ap)

Builds / Re: Jin-Roh: Wolf Brigade - Mobile Tin Can LMG Thematic Build
« on: December 19, 2023, 02:35:15 pm »
I tried this build (this was my first Heavy Guns build) and decided that heavy guns works better if you dump dex and agi to 3 and take some Con feats instead, and I understand that this build was about  mobility.

Also no Temporal Manipulation  - 25 ap LMG's really cool  for Contraction + Adrenalin for 3 burst per round, even for 3 rouns only (usually this will be enough) + Contraction will give you MP even in fou have huge armor penalty

Overall thx for  the build, especially gear selection (Missed crafted 9mm ratchet option - another 25 ap LMG)

Gunners High was kinda useless (especially when you have Fast Metabolism and Regenerative vest)

Heavy metal can boost damage too, but need to have more armor penalty for it work better

Ambush is super useful for any shooting build, even if you have 0 effective stealth, ambush will help with accuracy anyway  because of halfed enemies evasion

Builds / Re: A blind laser pistol build (aka Stormtrooper)
« on: December 15, 2023, 10:32:32 pm »
Hey, sorry for necro, but with Heavy Duty you can use new weapons - Grenade laucnher Thumper and New laser pistol Stunner - these weapons fit this build like a glove. You can get them right after prologue. You can use Stunner before you craft your high-end laser pistol, and refurbished  Thumper will be excellent support weapon (better to use it with special  belt)

Bugs / Re: Can't get Institute reward.
« on: August 10, 2022, 03:57:11 pm »
After speaking with  Eidein you need to return to one specific hall (from that hall you can get to all Departaments) and speak with one NPC, she will give your reward.


** If you have Persuasion or have a female character, you can complete Jack Quicksilver's quest in Foundry without slaying the Beast therefore you just need a way to get a jetski and join the pirates, there are many possibilties to do so aside the Beast quest for you to chose.

You can complete it without persuasion too - you can get to the right person by picklocking one door and using ventilation shaft. Just need some lockpicking skill and no stealth at all (but watch for camera).

If you really need that one Hyberbrexis pill early, you can try to get one from Formedicator (you will need some traps and  grenades to deal with crawlers).

Builds / Re: Dominating Crossbow Build (Updated)
« on: June 30, 2022, 10:49:40 am »
You can setup Ambush in arena, especially if you have Electrokinetic Imprint. But in many other situations you can't.

Builds / Re: Dominating Crossbow Build (Updated)
« on: June 17, 2022, 02:20:53 pm »
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