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Messages - Elouen

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Builds / Re: Spear + Temporal Manipulation build
« on: November 21, 2021, 06:28:35 pm »

Edit: Oh I just saw 14 october, 2019. I guess it'll serve someone else today. :D

Ho hell yes^^ i coming back to this great game and your advice is helpful! thx might check the other builds since it been 2 years

Builds / Re: Questions about fist opportunist versatility
« on: August 02, 2020, 05:02:50 pm »

Wrestling is only worth it if you intend to leave your targets alive at the end of the turn.

and we cant allow that can we?

For intelligence i am not sure... i could get 7 constitution instead of 7 intel, but this build is already feat heavy so idk + constitution  make it more skill heavy and maybe less dps i guess

i guess you mean fancy footwork? i guess it could be cool, idk when i could put it since i need a lot of feat already.  what are the bests gloves i could have? unique ones or is it better to craft'em myself?

ThanksQuidam you gave me the confidence to run this build! im going to use the Xbow, with quick pocket! i tihnk i might change weapons a lot in midfight, since i will be quick i could hide myself and change weapon for new tactics and i might use the 2 slot belt since i will need a lot of them, its ok if i lose 3 AP per bolt

is throwing knives good?? and when you say a bit of throwing you meant a bit like 50 or a lot like 160?

and jeez it is similar than mine!

Builds / Questions about fist opportunist versatility
« on: August 02, 2020, 04:06:55 am »
Hi, as in the title, i have a few questions.

I want to make a fist build capable of using a crossbow and/or a chem pistol (and maybe other sorts of pistol and damage dealing weapons)

maxing dex like the furious left clickers that we are, i supposed that chem pistol was the way, but with  as much feats (only marksman, no aimed shot) and less  points, a cyclone could use 17 AP only  making it a very interesting  and versatile weapon.

but being abble to cook shot everyone sounds pretty nice too

i only have 2 slots for weapon, i could get quick pocket and get super  v e r s a t i l e  but is it really necessary?

 cheap shot/combo/pneumatic fist of the north star seems to be the way for ou  anime enthousiast  (is wrestling worth it? same for elec gloves?)

Stre : 3

Dex : 10

agi : 6 (i like being quick)

Con : 9 we want to take more than half a shot and  still have functional limbs

Per : 3 no aimed shot here, we kill with our little fingers

int : 6 we need a lot of point so int is necessary

this stats burn my eyes too but i do not know what to do, i play on hard but do i need this much con? maybe less? and switch it with agi  since i could go with evasion? more int because i will not have all the skill points?

should i do something else with the versatility feat (like taking other damage feats?)

Builds / Re: crossbow/shotgun build advice
« on: November 02, 2019, 09:41:59 pm »
i got one last question for yoour build, is evasion a must have for hard?

Builds / Re: crossbow/shotgun build advice
« on: November 01, 2019, 03:11:53 pm »
thanks for everyone for their helps, i think im gonna enjoy this, and wow what a build!

wanted to ask you, what do you think about having 160 in crossbow and then versatility for shotgun? could you still use the shotgun or it would be  usseless

 i love that use of methathermics, i think im gonna drop my Xbow and take that build.  by the way, you got something like no lockpicking nor hacking, yet i would like to (since its my first playthroug ) but it looks really fun, if im in hard i will probably drop mercantil and get some hack on the way^^

by the way, were could i get a shotgun early on the game?

Builds / crossbow/shotgun build advice
« on: October 31, 2019, 06:26:14 pm »
hello there,

I want to make a build  with shotgun and crossbow to use. with some stealth and if its possible some traps  and if i take traps i think i want opportunist. i wantto craft a lot by the way
i want to play it on hard


Strengh -5 for shotgun (should i put it to 6?)
Dex        -5 for marksman and maybe other stuff
agility     -7 for going fast and maybe some perks but i am not really sure
Con        -3 for points
Per         -10 for touching something
Will         -3  for not killing everyone with the sheer tremendous forces of our brain on pills
intel        -7  for making weapons of war with the sheer tremendous creativity of our brain

Going for marksman and opportunist

is those stats okay?

Should i go with versatility? or should i go with 160 with both stats? and if i go versatility wich one should i go main?

Should i upgrade tailoring and biology?

i think throw is not usefull for my char, if it is how much should i up it?

what are some important feats you think are good with that build?

Any other thought?

thanks by the way for your awnsers

Builds / Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« on: October 25, 2019, 01:03:35 pm »
hahahaha nice build xD i feel like to make a very fun build with Psi, you have to leave metathermics spells for that. or maybe just the stuff that use  non damaging spell? what do you think? + a shotgun and "all" the psi support spell with tranquility for doing puzzle game looks fun too! what you think about it?

Builds / Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« on: October 17, 2019, 09:34:10 pm »
wow, just finished to watch it, crazy build it look really fun, hummm maybe i want to fill the blank myself but jeez thanks a lot its great, now just gonna see what kind of melee weapon i do want+ thanks for the build at level 10 really helps me here.

its really great. i know what is my new char! thanks to you^^

i played until you go to depot A i think i was level7 and my monk psychokinesis died, i wasn"t happy at all to see all the traps x)

Builds / Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« on: October 16, 2019, 08:20:00 am »
yeah i saw that Dominating is another level x), idk if i shoud do hard, its not my first RPG tho, well i wanted that everyone post their favorite and fun build.
if someone want a build with the objectif of not be overpowered, but with the main obj. of having a blast with that build even if it dies a lot, he could find it here with the help of everyone just by checking this post, so it was not for my pleasure too, but if you're askin, well i would like to try something like a stealth + Spear +Traps + something else if really needed.

i would like to play a build with sledge hammer + versatility Shotgun or something like that and with a little something for making him very "jack of all trade" like one of the guy made for a shotgun spear build

the string lord and the 3th or 4Th school psi boi is nice but yeah, gonna restrain myself on the spells, doesn't want to buy the most opstuff in the game if its for playing a point &click xD

is the knife cool and fun to play? i mean with stealth, on the paper it looks interesting, how is it in real situations? and is it more fun Knife+ stealth

one thing that i like is having multiple possibilities in a fight, thats what makes me having fun, being capable of having an emergency button + having a plan B because you got another weapon or psi stuff feels fun, i love having a strategie that relly on multiple stuff.

Builds / Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« on: October 14, 2019, 10:22:02 am »
Hey, with all the possible builds in this game, i would like to have a very fun build, but im a noob and i don't know what will be fun in this game.

so i wanted that you come over this topic, post a build you played and that you had a lot of fun with, so in one topic, people could easely choose there build .

So tell us, which build was the most fun for you?

Builds / Re: Spear + Temporal Manipulation build
« on: October 14, 2019, 09:55:03 am »
what if someone, would like to invest a bit of traps in this build?  since there is stealth and i like traps, it would be some fun guerrilla tactics.

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