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Messages - Nawj

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: October 26, 2021, 11:16:39 pm »

'thank' should be 'thanks' in this situation.

General / Various questions about Expedition (Spoilers)
« on: October 10, 2019, 05:32:48 am »
Is there anything that I'll be missing out on by waiting until the Professor gets kidnapped to join the pirates? I've stolen a jet ski and joined them right after arriving in Hell's Gut, but I'm thinking of loading a save and bleeding Aegis of supplies before joining the pirates during the negotiations.

I'm not using anything close to resembling a melee character, would it be pointless to try and get the shard weapon to fight ghosts/void creatures? I completely missed out on all of that on my first character, and I went psi on my second. Just wondering if the shard weapon has some sort of magical property that will let me easily smack around the ghosts instead of missing 99% of the time and doing no damage.

Are the naval mines not a permanent solution to raids? On my last character I hired the Ferryman to haul the mines to Aegis' camp but I never got any kind of dialogue confirming he actually did it after he picked them up. For a really long time I never got any calls but then all of a sudden the natives started raiding again and suddenly all of our supplies were bone dry.

In order to befriend Yngwar do I just need to build up a relationship with the Ferryman?

That's all I can think of as of now. Anyone else who wants to ask general Expedition questions feel free to ask them here, there's no reason to not compile them here instead of making a lot of topics.

Essentially what's in the title. With how your house is essentially a useless moneysink outside of the basement I don't see why the punching bag is just cosmetic when it could be providing an actual use by letting me test out damage values and such.

This is also a broad suggestion that I haven't put a lot of thought into, but it may make the house more of an attractive money sink if you could get buffs from it outside of the crafting buffs in the basement. Off the top of my head I'm thinking of the Well Rested buff in Fallout 3/NV. Use your bed, get a minor buff. Hit the weight room, minor buff. Watch some AreaNOW on your pricey flatscreen TV, minor buff. Have a nice home cooked meal instead of eating vendor meat and digging steaks out of the pockets of dead looters.

I'm not asking for any of these to outclass the kind of things you'd get from food, and you could make it so you can only carry one, maybe two home buffs out the door with you until they expire. It would give you a genuine reason to think of investing in your home, because as far as utility goes there is no real reason to buy anything other than the basement floor, the workbenches, and the set of lockers in the laboratory and maybe a couple other storage containers if you want to keep your crafting materials/personal trophies separate.

There are two obvious examples of this I can provide, and one theoretical one.
These don't occur often, but they do usually occur during large fights which usually already take a long time due to all of the AI having to think and perform their actions.

I've seen enemies run out of ammo and repeatedly try shooting their weapon 10+ times in a row with an 'Out of Ammo' sprite popping up over them. They try firing for a long enough time for it to be annoying before they realize they should reload and end their turn.

The other issue is when an enemy is bodyblocked from pathing to wherever they are trying to move to, lets say from a crowd in a chokepoint or a forcefield, much like the issue with running out of ammo they will repeat their animation over and over, in this case the first frame or so of the moving animation before returning to standing and attempting to move again. This can take a long time before the AI fixes itself and decides to perform something it can actually do.

The theoretical situation is that I figure this is happening during combats with a lot of enemies out of player sight. When I'm in a situation with limited vision and a horde of enemies are trying to make their way toward me I encounter very long enemy turns before I'm free to act again, and I assume that a similar situation to the above is going on.

I'm currently using version 1.1.012 on GoG, so if this is an issue that has been fixed in .13/.14 sorry for taking up space on the forum.

Bugs / Re: Ray's Shop Bug(s)
« on: October 06, 2019, 11:45:40 pm »
All I can say is I'm glad that my gog version of Underrail hasn't updated yet, because I can't imagine actually saving up enough money to buy any of the high end jet skis at full price without lowering their value via theft. The amount of time the loot juggling and running a circuit to every single merchant in the game trying to hit the timing of refreshes and hoping they are willing to buy what I'm selling is enough to drive me to drink.

I love this game, otherwise I wouldn't have over 200 hours in it, but man does saving up a fat stack of charons take a lot of effort.

Suggestions / Stop AI Teammates turning on you if you use AOE
« on: September 25, 2019, 06:57:32 pm »
It's so frustrating to finish a difficult fight and then have your teammates immediately turn around and start trying to kill me because I use an acid chemical pistol, or a molotov or something. It made winning Gorsky's base back total hell and now I'm running into the same issue assaulting the SRO. The thing is, I didn't have this problem when I was defending the warehouse in Core City, I had AI teammates walk over my acid pools and such and they were fine, but now if Kokoschka takes 3 damage from an acid puddle I have to either reload or kill a character I like a lot.

If this is an issue that's hard coded into the game or something I understand, but if this is something that can be fixed it really needs to be fixed.

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