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Messages - fettoken

Pages: [1]
General / Getting away with murder
« on: October 22, 2019, 11:47:30 am »
Currently at The Rig and wondering if I'm able to pick off faction members without turning the whole place hostile if no one notices me doing it?

General / SGS council options when backing black eels
« on: October 16, 2019, 08:16:11 pm »
First of all, couldn't find the spoiler icon for this thread so bear with me.

Hey fellow Underrailers! Found my way to this forum after two play-through's and am enjoying it immensely. Am wondering about something which i didn't get around to the first time around. Backing the Eels this time they suggested backing of SGS. I went to Tanner and mentioned it, had a council meet. Does it matter if i choose the anti-protectorate line or the pro-unification line, or is there some info i could get from the Oculus that would change something?

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