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Messages - darkglobe

Pages: [1]
Builds / Re: The crafting question
« on: October 17, 2019, 01:50:57 pm »

I'd lose most of the skills in Subterfuge and Intimidate/Persuade to lvl up Throwing/Crafting and Mercantile more. Some Traps skill won't hurt. As a new player you will have to be especially careful about stealthed enemies.

Mechanics will give you the best knives. Electronics will give you the best shield emitters. Chemistry will give you potent throwing items. With such a high investment into melee skills the Versatility feat won't hurt, either.

thanks that clears alot of things up for me :) but whats wrong with subterfuge? I make alot of money from it and hacking turrets and picking doors helps me sneak around areas. I also read somewhere that throwing skills completely suck and it doesnt scale well.

Builds / Re: The crafting question
« on: October 17, 2019, 12:24:22 pm »

Builds / The crafting question
« on: October 17, 2019, 11:51:00 am »
I am currently leveling an assassin and im at level 9 just got into core city. I'm more or less following this guide here as an assassin It says to go chemistry mechanics and tailoring. The problem is i dont really understand how mechanics is useful at all when the weapons you make even with the best quality metal i can find still wont do as much damage as an electronic weapon. Should I go into electronics as well? or is the sole mechanics skill going to pay off? I'm only using melee weapons.

I've restarted so many times and I don't want to do it again  >:(

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