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Messages - jbeshir

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Cannot acess Core City residental area
« on: November 04, 2019, 03:08:19 am »
I've also developed this problem, but from the opposite direction- it occurred, not -immediately- after visiting the last place you get sent to on the Oligarch's quest line (as Coretech), but after travelling up the elevator to the upper level, and rather than going to visit boss guy immediately to tell them what happened, going pilfering in the nearby mansion and maybe also a house further right of that first, before attempting to return to the elevator; I could leave the mansion, but on trying to enter the upper level map containing the elevator back down I encounter a zone transition every time with this log output. Maybe it's something to do with trying to return to coretech after visiting it once post-questline?

I can go visit the houses fine, but I'm trapped up here now. Restarting doesn't help, going wandering into the housing areas then coming back doesn't help.

I've put a copy of the autosave made during the failing transition up at, for debugging purposes; if an earlier save (I have some quicksaves just before this point, but not early enough to be uncorrupt it seems) would help I'm happy to provide that too.

My last safe save was hours of play ago, so maybe I'll give this a pause until the bug is figured, but I'm glad to help with any debugging that would be useful.

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