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Messages - Realreal

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Suggestions / Balance + Crafting + QoL Suggestions
« on: November 04, 2019, 07:04:40 pm »


  • Limit the amount of bear traps player can place (per room) w/ their traps skill (3 traps only at 0 traps skill. +1 available trap per 10 effective skill)
No more cheesing encounters by placing a dozen of cheap bear traps and makes skill planning abit rigorous.

  • Bear traps pierce mechanical resistance for the sake of applying bleed and poison
Best example would be a giant psi beetle resisting the poison (black dragon poison which applies psi inhibition) because he resisted the damage from the trap itself (yet he's still stuck for 2 turns).

  • Utility belts increases throwing knife max stacks from 30 to 60
All the other belts get their own niche. Ask Batman, his utility belt can carry so much shit.

  • Universal Psi Cost increased by 5% per school the player has points in
Psi needs a nerf and let's hit them where it hurts them the most.. their psi cost values. A player w/ 4 psi school skills (a Pure Psi) will now get 20% increase to ALL his psi cost. A psi monk who only invested in psychokinesis only gets 5% increase. Psi Cost increase only counts base skill points and not effective.

  • More cold damage sources to balance resists
Currently the only sources of cold damage are cryokinesis and cryogas.. which is very rare. This is disappointing. Maybe some sort of cold themed map (maybe in the next stand-alone expansion?) or hazard (like the geothermal vents in the expansion) There's no reason to use insulated clothing otherwise.


  • Filter by availability to craft based on available components on inventory
so we don't have to go through the entirety of the crafting list just to figure out what we can currently make, also removes the need for a search bar on the crafting ui.

  • Crafted Poisoned Throwing Knives amount from 10 to 15
it's weird that regular crafted bear traps get 10 and 5 for unpoisoned and poisoned respectively meanwhile the same rule isn't followed for throwing knives..

  • Ability to coat normal throwing knives w/ poison
or better yet, the amount of poison per steel plate during crafting increases the maximum crafted poisoned throwing knife by 10 per poison (Steel Plate + 2 Burrower Poison = 20 burrower poisoned knives). also solves the problem above.

  • New recipe = Serrated Throwing Knives
On hit: 50% chance to inflict bleeding wound that deals additional 100% damage over 3 turns. Recipe = Steel Plate + Serrated Steel or Serrated Tungsten or Serrated Tichrome. The reason for this suggestion is because some/most enemies late game or in dlc are immune to poison which makes poisoned throwing knives entirely useless. Also Serrated Bolt already exists so a throwing knife alternative is pretty much an obvious option

  • New recipe = Shock Throwing Knives
Recipe = Throwing Knife + SliCell Battery + MicroDischarger. Damage value would be the same as a normal throwing knife except it would deal electric damage instead of mechanical. Unlike the bolt alternative, it doesn't stun organic targets and doesn't jump to nearby targets. Deals more damage to mechanical/robotic targets by 35%.


    • Filter inventory by weight
    • Some sort of timer to let you know vendors have restocked
    • Giving Bernard 1k charons more when making Super Steel Sheets increases it's base quality to 100+ (no more 70 below)
    • Ability to set double click as move option instead of single click to prevent player from wasting ap from accidental clicks

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