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Messages - Furion26

Pages: [1]
Builds / Re: Tin Can/Grenade build questions
« on: September 07, 2020, 07:13:32 am »
And Im not sure but I think I saw something about armor slooping when going juggernaut with super steel armor. I would check out about heavy armor before starting.

Builds / Re: Tin Can/Grenade build questions
« on: September 07, 2020, 07:08:57 am »
Never put a single point in intimidation myself, and never needed more than 105 effecting mercantile. After finishing a game in wich i invested in stealth i never played without it afterwards, you can just skip many parts without a fight, and in DC that was much appreciated. I'd like to see gun nut instead of one of those filler feats, and 1 point in int would decrease the number of needed point in those crafting skills.

2000dmg is totally doable with a single sniper shot. But you only have 12 per, you would want at least 16.
I found this sniper with AR build online with a whole guide integrated, finished the game with it on hard and I had an easy time all the way in, one shot the final boss.

Suggestions / Re: Psycho-temporal Contraction
« on: September 03, 2020, 01:31:39 am »
Its a healthy mechanic as long as you don't save scum.

Builds / Re: Non-Psi Special Ops Build
« on: September 02, 2020, 11:44:08 am »
My bad again, you wanted full auto, wich is really important so you really want 7 strength, forgot about that.

Builds / Re: Non-Psi Special Ops Build
« on: September 02, 2020, 11:40:49 am »
Rapid fire, point shot and serial killer are just useless. Id say take the veteran perception increase.
You want opportunist to be your first feat, not an end one because it has such great synergy with bursts paired with suppressive fire, its gonna dominate. You want those two befrore lvl 12 or smthin like that.

I get that you want to play with pistols, smgs, ars and snipers but its only gonna work at maximum normal difficulty, and its not going to be much fun since you are not really hitting many fun synergies, like you are missing a lot on all of them.

I recommend you stick with just smg's or just ar with sniper so you can get the full synergies, but this would be about min maxing and you probably want to just try all of em at once.

As it is with 7 dex your ap cost of the smg is really bad, with them you want to only invest in dex after you started with 10 in it
7 strength idk what you are really doin with that, when playing guns you only need 3 in that, same with will.
And with sniper rifles, you really want ambush and the same story as with dex, you want to start at 10 per and just dump into that.

Builds / Re: Non-Psi Special Ops Build
« on: September 02, 2020, 01:11:55 am »
My bad, i was thinking about ar / snipers but you are mostly invested in smg's. I found this neat build with a full guide if you are interested :

Builds / Re: Non-Psi Special Ops Build
« on: September 02, 2020, 01:05:21 am »
So you are playing an only guns character with just 6 perception, that even sometimes uses sniper rifles? With a character like this you'd want to start with 9-10 perception and dump points into it every time you can to end up with an effective skill double of the base one.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #68: The Psi Question
« on: September 01, 2020, 11:20:43 pm »
Guys, Styg wont maintain the previous system because he doesnt like it, its not how the game is intended to be played and he doesnt want to encourage new players to play it, at least thats how I see it and I have no problem with that. I get the thing with games are supposed to be somewhat "breakable", many find pleasure in that but its just absurd how psi worked until now, its like you played a different game to some extend. I really like the new changes.

I totally get that the niche abilities wont see much play anymore if at all but that only means Styg will take another look at them and try to see if he can somewhat improve them or design some system so they are not utterly useless.

General / Re: Todd's new home
« on: August 27, 2020, 11:08:29 pm »
oh I see, hoped there would be more. I guess the best choice would be the professor but I cant find him after the pirates released him(gave them the acorn). I know he's supposed to be around Camp Hathor but I cant find him, any help?

General / Todd's new home
« on: August 27, 2020, 09:14:43 pm »
Hy guys! I wanted to know who might take care of Todd now that i brought him to the surface. I think that the professor and ferry man are 2 options, any other?

General / Abandoned waterway facility
« on: August 20, 2020, 09:00:29 pm »
Is there a way to repair the crane?

Builds / Re: First time player AR tank build viability check
« on: August 19, 2020, 04:55:19 pm »
I don't recommend to anyone unless absolute beginners who wont use forums or wiki to play below hard difficulty, you don't get to feel the game (you can just go through the entire game just using burst and that's it, which will get boring really fast).
ATM I'm playing on hard with an AR with Sniper build and I'm mid expedition and the whole game went very smooth and easy, cant even imagine if I played on normal how fast I would have became bored but as it is I had to plan and learn to use utilities more.
Even more a tank build on normal would be just like cutting through butter. I'm playin with just 10% penalty armor with little protection and I rarely find myself dying and that's when I'm really reckless and over encumbered.

Suggestions / Remove (Empty) from tab view
« on: August 15, 2020, 03:21:39 pm »
Hey! I find seeing empty container names a bit annoying especially when there are multiple close to each other. Could you implement an option in the settings to disable seeing them? I mean that their names would disappear the same way  dead enemies names disappear when you loot all.
I'm aware the name appears so you have a storage container but by making it an option in the settings you let the player decide if he needs them, or you could still make them available to open just they don't have a name above.

In my opinion, the game as it is its in a perfect spot, it has the perfect amount of tedious work needed and its pretty well balanced.
Maybe the repair kits could drop in weight something like 0.5 but that's about it.
Only slight problem that I see is the wide range of randomness in the stuff available at vendors but them having a more consistent stock would make for an easier time to "break the game" (what I mean having a vendor guarantee to have napalm C or high quality stuff etc.) so in that regard its perfect how it is. It makes you do more travel between them so it ads to tidiness but its good tidiness if you ask me.

The game is intended to be this way, its not for many people that's for sure, but the ones that stick around really love it and it shows, those complains come from dedicated people who like the game and want to contribute to its improvement but I stick with Styg's side of doing things, in my books he's done a perfect job. I can't even imagine how he managed to create this work of art.

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