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Messages - happybee

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Builds / Re: Strength and Evasion are underwhelming
« on: November 08, 2019, 09:43:05 pm »
I feel like that's still too weak/isn't universal enough/is actually bad for juggernaut/that crit boosting feat. Strength already provides a fair amount of the sledge/power spear dude. Strength isn't weak, it's just really niche. Everyone is happy to get more initiative, everyone is happy to get more movement/initiative/everyone is happy to get more fort save/health, everyone is happy to have more crafting buffs. More carry weight? Yaaaaaaaaaay?

Strength is like Will, only you aren't forced to take it in every single build that uses a weapon (and it has amazing diverse feats, has 8 or so skill synergies, and offers massive mind defense).

At it's core Strength is a tax and no one likes paying taxes. It needs to pay out a bit, for everyone who isn't the Hulk.

Builds / Re: Strength and Evasion are underwhelming
« on: November 08, 2019, 01:28:15 am »
In my opinion Strength is the easily weakest stat in the game, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It's just extremely niche outside of a tax to use weapons/armor for the following reasons:

1. A vast majority of strength feats are extremely underwhelming. Easily the worst set of feats in the entire game.
2. Carry capacity is a luxury at best. Compared to the real tangible benefits every other stat uses means every point in it feels like a waste.
3. While necessary, stats that are just taxes for equipment use feel bad.
4. No dialog or story checks whatsoever.
5. No skill point synergy outside of melee.

Strength really needs another small benefit added. Maybe have it effect throwing skill and intimidate as well as providing some innate damage resistance. What it needs the most is some more generalized feats so taking strength for 95% of builds isn't looking up on the wiki what your preferred weapon needs to be effective. Maybe some feat that makes it so when you have a status effect on you, you do more damage. Or you can use strength in place of will for will feats so psi monks don't suffer from needing every stat.

Evasion is fine. I'm not really sure why evasion and dodge are separate things, as both require you to go all in on and are RNG based. I feel like armor should have some sort of skill attached as as armor offers way too much protection for basically no investment. Maybe weaken armor over all and have some sort of blocking mechanism tied to a shield skill? I dunno.

Strength is weak, but only because it offers no real game play advantage outside of sledgehammers.
Evasion is weak, but only because it's RNG and outside of infused rathound leather armor there's no reason not to slap on a bullet proof vest and trivialize most bullets. 

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