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Messages - xuvvy

Pages: [1]
Builds / Re: An Average Explanation of Outstanding Psi Builds
« on: January 08, 2020, 08:01:01 pm »
Since we've touched on SI, I guess it's appropriate for me to ask if you think Specialization in SI is worthwhile? Or is it a no brainer to pump the points into Psychosis itself? Locus of Control cooldown as well as Premed both look juicy too. There are so many routes to go with Spec points I feel somewhat overwhelmed as to what is optimal.
SI spec might be good.  The additional health buffer gives you room to make some mistakes - though I've read from some of the veteran players here that they were able to run most of the game at 1HP and just never get hit, I don't recommend that sort of zero-margin playstyle unless you just know you want to do it.  Again, the bonus crit will be something you sort of need to decide for yourself, but it doesn't impress me.
Could someone explain to me what does this exactly mean for SI specialization?
Increase the health threshold by 2% for each specialization point

Solved, it means that crit bonus now happens at 32% or less health and every point of specialization brings that up by 2% up to 40% max. Which is neat.

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