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Messages - Parti

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Bugs / Trapped in the Institute between rock and hard place
« on: February 07, 2020, 12:51:53 am »
Not really a bug but idk where else to put this

Well into my first play through, pure psionic character. Have really been loving the game so far

However, completely stuck at the point where the Institute is being invaded by Faceless and you're waiting on the elevator to arrive.

Background to this, I infiltrated the Institute after completing Coretech's questline, spoke to Eidein then left to investigate the weird earthquake's that were happening, turned out to be faceless. Have been peaceful with them up to this point, one of them warns me to leave since they're about to invade. Go along with it, figure that before I leave I might be able to find the artifact in that restricted area, since the Institute is about to be attacked I've got no problem blowing cover and opening hostilities with the Tchortists. Fight my way through the restricted area, find the Rejects and other weird expirements, no artifact so I decide to escape through the hole in the ground in the West wing. Except the game won't let me. I've jumped through it before, I know it's a way to leave as long as i'm willing to take a bit of damage... but the game's telling me that "I don't think it's a good idea right now." Is the game trying to funnel into that fight over the elevator into the caverns?????

Decided to roll with it, cheesed the hell out of the Tchortists guarding the elevator, then went to activate it since it seems like the only way for me to get out that doesn't involve fighting the whole damn institute. Found out that it triggers a Faceless attack, and it's fucking huge and I have absolutely no way in hell of surviving long enough to catch the elevator.

Stuck at this point, no saves prior to initiating hostilities boohoo, but
Why can't I just leave the Institute through the hole in the West Wing? Do I really need to get funneled to that elevator?? If the game did just give me the option of leaving then I'd be fine but as it is, this whole thing may completely ruin my run. Been trying not to spoil shit but now I'm genuinely tempted to start peeping at the wiki to see if there's a wait to console command or cheat around this problem.

Am I missing something?
Apologize if I've messed anything up, hardly ever posted on forums before

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