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Messages - Faustina

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Builds / Directions for a SMG/Sniper (+Knife?) Build
« on: February 10, 2020, 01:55:28 am »
As you can see, I'm trying to find out what is the best build for my first playthrough. I just bought the game a few hours ago but I'll be on a business trip for this next week, so I won't be able to play for a while, so I guessed I could use the time to research my options for my first character.
Sniper + SMG is a pretty popular build as I could see from the few minutes I spent studying the game. I wanted some directions as to where spend my points and which feats I could choose.

I know that DEX and PER will be my richest attributes, and I'm focusing on burst fire since I saw that I can pick a feat later on that allows me to shoot again everytime I kill an enemy with a burst shot. I know a lot of perks are shared between Sniper and Pistols but I don't know if they're totally worth the cost of abandoning the SMG usage. Instead, I'd like to know how viable would it be to implement knife in this build (not at all my priority, would happily drop the idea if it would mean more points towards my next focuses below). Also, daggers don't require STR, so yay.

I don't want a "perfect" build, I would appreciate some margin of error for me to learn the game myself instead of using a "fast food build" (come here, grab one, play the game). As such, I've been considering focusing on Intimidation but I wanted to know if leaving Persuasion alone would lock me out of any quests. Traps are also a skill I'm not feeling I'll be fond of, so I wanted to know how much in trouble would I be without it, and if so, if they would also work well with this build.

I'm open to any advices regarding Crafting, and if at some point I would need to choose if I would craft only weapons or only armor (seeing as Tailoring is a separate skill and as I'm going for Stealth I think crafting armors would benefit me more, correct me here please).

And as my (finally!) last questions, why do I feel like Paranoia is the equivalent of a tourist trap? Is it that good, or what's the catch here? Is Nimble a good feat? And Evasion + Dodge, those two divide a lot of opinions, so should I spend my points on them or not?

Thank you in advance for reading this, I hope you have a great day.

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