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Messages - Varrok

Pages: [1]
Development Log / Re: Dev Log #65: Codename Infusion
« on: March 11, 2020, 10:29:27 pm »
Looks really good. It give a more natural/organic vibe than the original game, and by that I mean it looks more like one painting than patterns of tiles placed close to one another. Really dig it.

Since more major engine overhaul is mentioned, I think it's right to ask: Is a native Linux port on the table, in any way?

Bugs / Re: Performence issiue
« on: February 26, 2020, 11:35:50 am »
Hey, um.

There's no Underrail on Linux. It's XNA based, it means that in its current form it *can't* exist on Linux. Based on that I take it that you use it through Wine/Proton or some other compatilbility layer. The performance issues are most likely caused by it, as is common with those.

Since you're running the Windows version, yes, you can move the savegames to Windows.  ;D

Bugs / Stun-Interact status doesn't trigger if player exits combat manually
« on: February 21, 2020, 11:53:55 pm »
Quests affected: Pacify Psycho, Kidnap Sarine (and any others that use it)
(Underrail (without Expedition yet))

Also mentioned in

In those quests you're supposed to stun a victim and go into the dialog mode to do stuff.
The problem is that if you exit the combat while the enemy is incapacitated but not yet permanently stunned (which I consider a default action that the player would do in such scenario), he never will enter the stun and instead will attack the player right after incapacitation ends.

A video of bug in action:

These kinds of quests, while really cool as an idea, can be very frustrating due to insufficient explanation of how the mechanic works (mentioned here ) and this bug.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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