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Messages - Phyriel

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Ok I'm here to report my progress.

I got pretty dope pistol with 280+ crit amplifier and its a night and day difference between this one and old one I had with 210crit. Now indeed I can kill 4-5 enemies in 1 turn while before I was getting swarmed and had to rely on mass traps, choke points.
It's deffo been a struggle mid game tho when my pistol was hitting like a wet noodle and I'd need 6-7 shots to down single enemy or fish for crits but even then it'd take 3 crits to kill some beefier gunners etc. This build heavily relies on traps/granades in mid game, at some point I barely used pistol but kited to buy time for nades cooldown.

Having low int is not a big struggle as high level components that are worth using come late anyway when you don't spend skill points on much else, there is an argument to be made that having higher int would improve midgame and actually make it a pure laser pistol build (without being a trapper, grenadier for good few levels) but I think this build is only viable to be played that way in high-end scenario aka if you can't thin down the crowd by 4+ with early mid game crafted pistol then it's not improvement at all because you'll gonna get demolished as you can't tank damage from multiple enemies that early anyway.  So I'd say going low int is very intelligent (pun intended) decision and it ramps up late game power much more by having fuckton of high dex low ap shots.

That being said I tested out plasma crit pistol with polarizer and its a very good albeit not needed addition to the build as you approach 20+ level but dont yet have mechanics, tailoring needed for goggles and crit armor (so you're floating at much lower crit chance) With it you can set up an aimed shot against dodgy/evasive enemy with stun/incapacitate and just demolish a guy - I pretty much one shotted Carnifex with that gun.

I gotta confess tho that I probably played this build wrong and always healed myself to full thus wasting survival instincts, you really gotta man up with this build and walk around <30% hp and heal only when you know you gonna get ambushed by some invis lurkers, crawlers.

One more thing about crafting pistol, do you opt for smart module to increase special attacks damage? or high energy converter / polarizer?

I'm thinking about high energy converter to not waste time reloading so often.

Also one thing about plasma pistol - I've read that high enough quality of polarizer in plasma pistol can actually apply 2 stacks with 1 shot with close to 100% chance. Wouldn't that make it a good off hand weapon to open up fight with against bosses?

Yeah thanks for all the tips tho. Now I stockpiled on cryo, toxic nades and magnesium nades so I got tools to push forth. Proly will have to reload here and there but its not as hopeless as depot A felt where I had no damage, no money for more traps, nades and it all felt like end of the line. I have a feeling enemies that have a jump on you will make me reload the most and also scripted fights where you can't setup your fight properly maybe?

Went for Gorsky mission but I need to pass it... I have to go through vent system and get past guess what... death stalkers. I can't deal with them at my level, they just molest me in 1 turn.

Edit: not when I pass stealth check and drop few traps for them to walk in and then pour some gasoline over their heads. Nasty fuckers.

Core City it is then :) Don't have quite enough chemistry to craft gas nades yet but will do in one level, one question regarding gas nades, I found liquid nitrogen at vendor is SGS but where do I get fillers for toxic gas granades? on wiki it says its in toxic barrels but havent found any yet. Can you buy them somewhere?

About cheese, man this game is made to invent new ways to cheese stuff, I hardly even fight anything yet without completely blocking choke points with traps, feels kind of bad sometimes but snipers one shot me and xbow lunatics net -> stun is nasty. Atleast those kind of enemies can be cheesed, however I decided to explore some caves with TNT and got myself into caves filled with death stalkers, well... I reloaded pretty fast to say the least. I don't have good energy shield yet for mechanical/slow stuff, I only found some generic high energy shield so far so I think gorsky mission is my first stop in Core City.

Well I'm playing on Dominating because I wanted to go for hardcore experience having played pure psi build only before up to Core City, and on normal so yeah... on normal I wasn't really forced to utilize many tools nor plan ahead that much.

But I'm here to report I finished depot A and got haste and imprint which are massive boost to my fighting capabilities, also got parts for first crafted pistol - only 169% crit but I bet it will be a huge boost also. I'm probably gonna do harold and big bret quests now before heading to rail station.

Thanks for replies guys.

I left depot A for now to grind some more exp (im on classic exp).
I went for Silent Isle quest first but quickly deserted from there too, need some more on demand punch for that place and when I saw Goliath right at the start I was like "yeaa nope". I went exploring around GMS compound and just cleared a big group of Lunatics using about 10 traps and 6 granades, I put some points into traps because there are a lot of traps around these tunnels than can be recovered.
Anyway most of my money goes into restocking on bear traps and nades atm but it pays off as I get investments back killing big packs of psychos who carry meds, nades and more money.

I think I'm back in tracks for now.
Will report back after Depot A.

Yeah I'll need to grind few more levels, thanks for tip on armor, I only played on normal classic prior to this using pure psion but got bored early in Core City (whole Psion feels like cheating at times and not using all the weapons, gadgets etc feels bad for first playthrough even tho its recommended).

I have hard time deciding when to invest in crafting - around what level / progress you generally begin to craft gas granades, incendiary etc? I assume crafting pistol with crit thingy is pure late game correct?

At what level does this build really come online? - im atm level 9 going into depot A and I must say I'm getting horribly molested,managed to kill some humans and dogs on first map but mutants and acid dogs are just no go, can't kill even 1 dog with full round of point blank shooting, got laser pistol from elwood hause at level 3 from your mini-guide but even following build to the latter so far it really hits like wet noodle (talking 19-20 dmg and 40+ crits but also miss a lot like 30 % of times). The only thing that carries me so far is spamming traps and granades - grenadier is probably the most important perk so far for me so I dunno.

Either this build should be called "end game only laser pistol build" or I've done something wrong? At what level should I craft a better pistol?

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