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Messages - WhiteGrey

Pages: [1]
Hello, currently I can only keep track of notes in-game by placing them on the map. This is great for area specific notes, but I have many general ones to track as well and it is very poor for that. I would love a notes tab dedicated to player input, because as it is I simply tab out and keep a notepad file, which is fine, but not exactly immersive.

Additionally, in light of greater randomization potential in Infusion: instead of the auto-map tool, please make the map more interactive and force the player to map the randomized layout themselves. This could be as simple as finding a rift-style geolocation within the area and pinging the zone with an item that fills it in on the map and provides information on hazards, enemies, etc., or a much more granular system of placing area type, enemies present, linking connected areas, and whatever else. Hopefully it would solve the issue of a player entering a zone, then immediately leaving and inspecting the map for enemy types, fungal spawns, and so on.

Thank you.

Styg, why does my jet ski require energy to function while my legs do not? Encumbrance should increment at an increasing rate depending on time since last food item and/or rest period. This would provide value to random flora such as lake mushrooms, or relatively useless food items. I like the idea of a non-bio low Per character sniffing suspiciously at a crimson mushroom they found during an especially long spelunking trip. Should have planned better, cunt.

My bad. New kitten appears to be a wire chewer (and general troublemaker). I must have moved when I tested other sources of audio and jiggled the cable.

Great breakdown, thank you for uploading.

You are probably already aware, but there may be some issues with your microphone, I'm hearing a lot of audio from the left and little from the right.

General / Re: W2C ammo did not need a nerf
« on: February 04, 2022, 03:16:49 am »
Much like shotguns, bullet based weapons should give up damage in favor of penetration. Forcing the player to make a choice between armor penetration and damage would be an improvement. Games are about choices, after all. The only issue might be new players, since it is easier for the inexperienced to default to a single ammo type when confused.

Bugs / Crawler poisoned enemies being stunned through second wind
« on: January 29, 2022, 03:44:23 am »
This seems to be caused by the expiry of the poison and the stun affliction occurring at the end of the turn, but before second wind sets in. To reproduce, apply crawler poison to an enemy. There should be 1 turn remaining on the poison, allowing the enemy to act before the poison sets in and stuns them. Apply Taser to enemy, preventing them from taking action that turn. Now, before the enemy's turn ends and before they gain second wind, they also gain Crawler poison stun, which lasts 2 turns. Presumably unintended.

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