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Messages - Existentialism

Pages: [1]
General / how the hell do I get through this [spoiler i guess]
« on: July 25, 2020, 01:55:40 pm »
i'm currently going through the gray army bunker in the Dude sidequest, and I literally have no clue how to proceed. i can't convince the guards to let through, I don't have the firepower or ammunition to take everyone out, my lockpick and hacking skills are too low to open any doors, and I can't break through any of the vents. should I just reload a save I made before going through the warp, or is there another way?

General / how the hell do i get through this [Spoiler i guess]
« on: July 25, 2020, 12:01:40 am »

Suggestions / More variation in gun sound effects?
« on: June 22, 2020, 03:30:49 am »
this is a minor annoyance at most, but I

Pages: [1]