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Messages - fireaura08

Pages: [1]
Congrats killing PSI characters. Even if it's experimental branch, for even considering these nerfs as credible, be sure i'll pirate all your future games.

RIP UnderRail.

I sincerly hope you'll suffer a painful, slow, agonizing death which will bring you alot of psychological and physical pain Styg. I fucking sincerly hope so.

Wow. This is totally uncalled for. It's a video game, you don't need to wish horrible pain and death over it.

More to the point, I agree with TheAverageGortsby in that some of the psi changes (particularly the innervate mechanic) will gimp pure psi and overall build variety and leave players with nothing but one-trick pony psi hybrid builds. I sincerely hope that this mechanic will be tweaked, as it seems flat out unfun in its current implementation.

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